Camp Half-Blood Is Graced

Start from the beginning

"We'll keep you posted." I told Reyna before slipping into the portal after the last camper, which started to close after me. I felt another presence enter the portal after me, but when I turned I saw no one. I shrugged and pushed my way through the crowd until I found Nico in the middle waiting.

The sound of marching filled my ears as the Romans started to make their way up Half-Blood Hill. The sound grew louder as Amazons and Campers flooded the other side of the hill. Through the sea of Roman warriors, I could barely see Annabeth at the front of the campers and Amazons.

We stopped on one side of Thalia's tree and Annabeth stopped on the other side, causing the campers and Amazons to stop behind her. Jason stepped forward from our side. Annabeth was the first to speak. "Who are you and why are you here?"

Jason answered her with, "I am the praetor of the Twelfth Legion." As he talked I formed a white flag of truce in my hand. "My name is--"

I cut him off as I raised the white flag high into the air, where it could be seen above the heads of the Romans. "Sorry! Does this help?" Nico and I made our way to the front of the crowd to join Jason. As we walked I said, "Take us to your leader. Oh, there she is. Hey Wise Girl." I greeted when we broke through the crowd. I saw many emotions cross Annabeth's face when she saw the two of us. Shock, confusion, possibly even betrayal. She settled on confusion and slight amusement.

"Seaweed Brain." She muttered, "Care to explain all of this?"

"Oh, yeah." I dropped the flag which disappeared before it hit the ground. "I'll explain as quickly as I can. Is everyone here?" My eyes swept across the hill and saw that every camper and Amazon not in the infirmary was present. "Yeah, okay. These," I gestured to the demigods behind me, "Are Roman demigods. In California, there is a camp like ours called Camp Jupiter for Roman demigods. They don't know exactly where this camp is located, and you will not know exactly where theirs is. Nico and I are the only ones who know where each camp is.

"We needed more allies for our battle against the Oneiroi and Typhon, and Nico and I convinced the two praetors of Rome to lend us the Fifth Cohort. That is what you see here. One of their praetors has accompanied them. Jason, Son of Jupiter." Jason gave a small wave and smile, but sent me a questioning look, most likely asking why I hadn't said his full name. I returned his look with a dismissive wave of my hand.

"Neither camp knew about the other, because Greek and Roman demigods have clashed in the past, and created problems. Those involved had their memories erased by the gods and we continued to live in peace. But now, the camps have been told of each other. You may dislike the Romans if you are a Greek, and vice versa, but fighting between the two types of demigods will not be allowed. You do not want to find out the consequences. We expect you to work together and fight against a common enemy. Any problems will be taken to Nico, Jason, Annabeth, Chiron, or myself. Any questions?" Most of the campers were too consumed with shock to ask a question and no one spoke up. "Okay."

I turned to the Romans. "I have created a compound like your barracks down by the cabins for you to stay in. Find an Amazon or a camper to show you around the camp, and no fighting. For the men, do not aggravate the Amazons or you will regret it. Now, I guess, go explore."

I grabbed Nico and Jason before they could disappear. "Send Thalia to Zeus' cabin." I ordered Nico and he left quickly. I motioned for Jason to follow me and we made our way to Zeus' cabin. "I have someone you need to see."

"All right." Jason followed me quietly and I tried to avoid Annabeth. I would rather talk to her later, which I knew she would want to do. "So, who is it you want me to meet?" Jason asked.

"Well, you already know each other. You just might not remember it." Jason's brow rose at my answer but he didn't say anything else. We walked into Zeus' cabin to find Thalia waiting.

"What do you want, Percy?" She sounded exasperated.

"Thalia Grace, meet Jason Grace." Jason looked confused and Thalia glared at me for saying her last name. Then she realized what else I had said.

Thalia came closer and studied Jason carefully. She saw the small cut above his lip and gasped, tears coming to her eyes. "Jason?" She whispered brokenly.

"Wait a second. Thalia? My sister?" Jason mirrored her tone of voice.

"Oh my gods! I thought you were dead!" Thalia rushed forward and grabbed Jason in a giant hug. "It really is you! I would know that scar anywhere! Who could forget you trying to eat a stapler when you were two?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"When you were two our mom took us for a family vacation. She wanted me to get the picnic basket from the car, I left for a few minutes and when I came back, you were gone. Mom was crying and saying you were gone, that Hera had taken you and you were as good as dead. I never told anyone about you." Then she turned to me, "How did you find out?"

"I knew your last name was Grace, and when I met Jason and learned that his last name was Grace too, I started to have my suspicions. Then I learned that he was the Son of Jupiter and I knew you were siblings. You had to be siblings, it couldn't have been a coincidence for there to be two children of Zeus or Jupiter, with the same last name. Do you really trust us now, Jason?"

He nodded vigorously and pulled Thalia in for another hug. I left them hugging each other and crying in the cabin.

When I left the cabin, almost immediately I saw Annabeth's cold gaze. I winced. She made her way over to me, walking with a purpose. I hung my head in defeat and walked to meet her. Hopefully I would finish this talk with all my body parts intact.

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