Series of Lies

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1 Week Later...

Monday December 11

11:45 PM

Anthony's P.O.V

Diamond. Diamond. Diamond.

I'm so close to having her to myself. She'll let me come over when she's home alone, she'll let me kiss and touch on her. Today at school, I had her in the janitor's closet. Nah, we didn't fuck or anything, just kissing and touching. Don't seem like she care for Patrick anymore, does it? Nah, I didn't think so. If she really loved him, she wouldn't be with me all the time now, would she?

Tonight, my boys Joseph, Ja'Quan and A'mo just helped me deliver some drugs to this trap house like twenty minutes away from my house. Three full blocks of cocaine were exchanged for 3k. Imma have to stop doing this soon. Only for my baby. If it's a boy, his name will be Antonio Ricardo Gonzalez. If it's a girl, her name will be Maria Rose Gonzalez, named after Diamond.

The thought about that made me smile. "Yo, what'chu smilin' about Anthony?" Ja'Quan asked, glancing over at me while he drove back to my house.

"Nothing, man." I responded, trying not to smile anymore.

"Nah tell us, bro." Ja'Quan smirked.

"Ard." I laughed. "I was thinking about baby names."

"Why? I thought you said Diamond wasn't keeping the baby." A'mo said.

"Yo! You got another man bitch pregnant?" Ja'Quan asked.

"Yeah, and she changed her mind. She said she's keeping it now." After that, the car got quiet. Ja'Quan was cruising down the street, Joseph and A'mo sat in the back, and I sat staring out the window in the passenger seat.

"Yo, ain't that the nigga who punked us for our weed, and gave us the fake money?" Joseph asked, peering out the window at a guy walking alone down the street. He was wearing the exact same thing he wore the night he basically robbed us.

"Hell yeah that's him!" I yelled, fuming with anger. Ja'Quan stopped the car, and we hopped out. We charged towards him. He must've heard the sound of people running behind him, because he looked back, recognized all four of us, then began to run.

We ran faster and caught up to him. A'mo punched him in his jaw, then the rest of us followed up, punching, kicking and stomping. We didn't stop until we saw blood.

Ja'Quan rummaged through the guy's pockets and robbed him of any cash he had. "Only thirty dollars? Damn, broke ass nigga!" Ja'Quan said, kicking him one last time in his ribs.

"This is what you get for stealing from me! Never fuck with us!" I yelled, punching him a final time.

The guy laid on the sidewalk, groaning and leaking blood. "Ard, let's go!' Joseph said, backing away. We all ran back to the car and fled the scene.

Diamond's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch using the back and foot massager my mom got me a while back when I was pregnant with Owen. My back ached so bad, and now my boobs are getting a little sore. A few minutes later, Patrick came down the stairs holding Owen.

Patrick had a bright smile on his face. "Babe, look!" He said excitedly, placing Owen on the floor in front of me. "He was walking!"

Patrick helped Owen stand to his feet, then let him go when he was steady. "Come to daddy, Owen." Patrick smiled. Owen took three small steps before falling flat on his butt.

I sat up from my back massager. "Awe, oh my God, Owen! My baby is starting to walk now!" I cheesed. I've been waiting for him to start walking. While I admired Patrick helping Owen to walk, I felt the mourning sickness coming back. My stomach began to grumble, then I felt the urge to throw up. I hurried up and ran to the kitchen covering my mouth. Patrick watched me with a concerned look. He placed Owen on the couch, then jogged into the kitchen after me.

He watched me empty out my stomach into the sink. "Babe..." He furrowed his eyebrows. "are you pregnant?"

I looked at him then turned my attention to the floor. I nodded my head. "Yes."

"Awe baby." Patrick came to hug me. "I knew it, I just kept letting your sickness slide, I didn't want to think that you were." Patrick exclaimed. "I love you so much, Diamond."

"I love you too."

Patrick squatted down, lifted my shirt, then kissed my belly. Only if he knew that he was kissing another guy's baby. Tears formed in my eyes at the fact that he doesn't know the baby is his, but he thinks it is.

Patrick furrowed his eyebrows. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"N—nothing, I'm just in pain. My back hurts." I lied.

"Oh!" Patrick helped me get back to my back massager. He sat me down. "Diamond, why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant?"

I thought of a quick lie. "Because, I didn't know how you'd feel about having another baby when it hasn't even been a year since our first one."

"Baby, as long as I know I can take care of them, then it's okay." Patrick said wiping my eyes. He kissed my forehead and gave me a tight hug.

"Da Da." Patrick snapped his head toward Owen and smiled.

"He said Da Da!" Patrick said excitedly. He picked Owen up and sat him on his lap. "Say it again, Owen."

Owen chewed on his hand and made other noises. "He'll start saying it more." I smiled. "Just not by command."

"Diamond, how far long are you?"


"I'm not really sure, but I have to be a few months." I said, staring down at my small baby bump. Patrick nodded, then continued to play with Owen.

That was a close one.

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