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Patrick gave me another hug. "I'm so sorry."

"I said it's okay. You don't have to apologize anymore."

After School

Patrick and I walked to my car after school. He told the rest of his brothers he'll catch up. Patrick kind of figured that the baby is either him or one of his brother's. I just hope it isn't Dustin's. He was the worst one.

"So, uh...I have to get going to the Nursing Home. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

I smile. "Yeah."


"Bye." Before he walked away, he softy kissed me cheek, taking me back when we first met. I smiled at the memory, then hopped in my still-keyed-up, white, Honda Civic.

I drove home, blushing by the kiss Patrick gave me. I don't know what it is but, Patrick always made me feel tingly inside three years ago, and that feeling is slowly drifting back.

6 Months Later

I'm now seven months pregnant. And through these past six months, my belly has gotten HUGE! It feels like I'm on the verge of exploding. I've been to the clinic three times in these past months for Ultra Sounds and information on the fetus.

And to put that on the side, Since Patrick, Dustin, Carnell, Bryan and Kelly are done community service, they've been over my house helping me through my pregnancy, so has Tammy, my best friend. We've all forgot about the past and looked forward to the future. My seventeenth birthday was December sixteenth. It wasn't all that, though I got a few new items for the baby, but I didn't really enjoy myself.

It's weird to have my ex bullies over here supporting me when they used to do the opposite, but they've been great. Not one harassment since that...incident.

Patrick has been the most supportive. Every now and then, he would give me a peck on the cheek and rub my belly to help me fall asleep. They leave when I sleep, except for Tammy. She stays to give extra support. My mom supports me a lot too, she bought me a back and foot massager which I use daily almost everyday.

The days have been brighter and I can't wait to see my baby. I can't wait 'til it comes, so I can finally do a paternity test and see who the father is.

Diamonds Room with Tammy

I groaned in pain as my side hurts. I'm extremely tired and I just wanted to sleep. I can't sleep with this pain though.

"What's wrong D?" Tammy asked me.

"It's just that my side is killing me. The baby has been all up in my rib cage and it's very uncomfortable." I told, squirming around in discomfort.

Tammy sauntered over to my bed from my floor and laid with me. She began to slowly rub my swollen belly. I stop moving and got more relaxed. My eyes grew heavy and I slowly faded into a good slumber.

A little later, Tammy fell asleep by my side, with her hand remaining on my belly.

The next morning, I woke up from the baby kicking non-stop at my sides. "Ugh! No please, it's too early. I'm tired I just want to sleep."

It's a bright Saturday morning, so the sun shown through my open curtains and woke me up fully. "Fuck it." I got up leaving Tammy sleeping wildly in my bed, snoring lightly. I walked like a penguin to my bathroom and brushed my bed head.

I pulled my stretchy, black T-shirt down as it rode up my belly. I brushed my teeth and washed my face while I was still in the bathroom.

Slowly, I saunter downstairs, wobbling side to side, from the size of my stomach. Knocks appeared at the door. I headed straight towards it, unlocked it and opened it.

"Aye!" The boys yell from the porch as I opened the door.

"Wassup fat girl!" Carnell greets. I shot Carnell a glare. Did he seriously just call me fat?

"I was just playin', chill!" Carnell laughs. They walk in.

"How's the pregnant girl doin'?" Patrick asked.

"Good. The baby woke me up, kicking me in my side."

Patrick laughs and bent down to my stomach level. "You have to be nice to you mommy." I laughed and walk to the kitchen. Patrick follows after me.

"Diamond, uh I have to have a serious conversation with you."

"What is it?" I opened the fridge, took out a carton of orange juice, and took a cup out the dish washer.

"Through these last six months...I've just fallen in love with you all over again."

I was astonished. I smiled from ear to ear, I was falling back in love with him too.

"Since you know how I feel about you...I think it's time for me to ask be my girl." Tears began to brim in my eyes as I smiled.

"Yes...I will be yours!" The tears came down. Patrick hugged me. But my belly restrained him. He still managed to though.

"I promise not to hurt you again."

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