Part 22: Cree

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Suddenly, they arrived on a particularly green planet. The oceans were a shade of pink, matching Irk's persona . The two Irkens blended into the background, so it would be pretty hard spotting them out. Except for Dib. Even though he had green skin, magenta eyes, and thin, black, long  antennaes, he was still wearing his own clothing.
"So, where are we exactly?"
"A deserted planet; Cree." Dib had a puzzled look on his big green head. "Long ago, before Zim ruined it all, Skoodge invaded Cree and the Creelians during Operation Impending Doom One."
"Isn't Skoodge the tiny, stocky alien? With the stain?"
"Yeah, that's Skoodge. Zim never admitted it, probably because he was ashamed, but he and Skoodge were definitely best friends." Dib fell silent. "Jealous much?"
Dib put Zim around his shoulders, and followed Tak to whatever torture chamber she had planned for both of them.
"We're here," she told Dib. Gir and Mimmi were trailing behind, chewing away at the few candy bars they had left.
"Where exactly is 'here'?" Tak looked annoyed. "I mean, I know we're on Cree and all, but where on Cree?"
"This place has been wiped of life, like I would know what this place is."
There was a very muted sound, as soft as mouse, coming from the backroom. Tak's antennaes perked up.
"What?" Dib does have Irken antennaes now, but apparently not their advanced hearing.
"Nothing," Tak was ignoring whatever the sound was, and going back to whatever she was doing, when the sound came back. She dropped her metal tools and walked towards the sound.
"What are you doing?!" Dib shrieked. Tak turned around, with a confused look on her face. "Have you never seen a horror movie before? You don't walk towards the sound! You walk away from it. You know?So you don't die!?"
Tak rolled her eyes, and turned around. "Why would we die?" She sounded annoyed.
"I don't know. Maybe a murderer is behind that door? Or maybe even a-what are they called again? Oh right, maybe there's a Creelian behind there, ready to experiment on us!" Dib slithered his 's'.
"That's unlikely." She opened the door, and fell on the floor.
"Tak?!" Dib watched Tak fall, and wasn't paying attention to the person behind the door. He looked up, and fell unconscious, most likely crushing Zim's body.

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