Part 15: Rocks at my Window

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Dib was walking in the forest, all alone, in the dark.
Don't bump the glump, Dib. Don't bump the—
"AHH!" He shrieked. "Oh, it's just you. A squirrel." As if the squirrel could hear him, it jumped onto Dib's face. "HEY! Get off of me!" He was trying to pull it off, but it just made it worse. When suddenly, the squirrel blew up right in Dib's face, leaving his organs trailing down into his mouth. "Icckk!!" ...he said. "Zim?"
"Whaaaat?" Zim screeched.
"Ha! I knew you would come back for me! Your precious Dib, human.. worm... baby. Heh."
Zim was acting like he was throwing up, but really, he wasn't.
"I take it back. I swear I do!" He confessed, throwing his hands in the air.
"Stupid human propaganda," Zim murmured.
"I heard that!" Dib yelled.
"Stop yelling! I can hear you a mile away when you talk normally," he was pointing his finger at Dib and laughing. "Oof!" Zim hit the floor, by... being hit in the head with a rock?
Dib was laughing. He probably did that. Zim stood up, and grabbed a boulder with his pack. It was pretty big. It kind of looked like a meteoroid. Ouch. He threw it at Dib, which sent him flying through the air, like when Gir hit Dib with a sandwich that one time.
"Who's laughing now?!" Zim mocked.
"I am!" Dib said lifting the humongous rock off of him.
"Eh?!" Dib was sprinting towards Zim. It took a while before Zim realized what was going on, then he screamed and started running away. But, no, Dib was too fast, and tackled the alien!
"Get off of me! You smell like human!" Zim fought.
"You hit me with a boulder! A freaking boulder, Zim!" Dib lectured, while the two where acting out the school performance of what a stationary front looks like. "Not cool man!"
"Pfft, I've killed Irkens with bigger sized rocks than that!"
"You were trying to kill me!?"
"What?! No! You hit me with your little Earthinoid rock. I had to get you back!"
"You threw me at Bigfeets! To die! YOU EVEN LET HIM EXPLODE!"
"Oh boo hoo HOO! You're alive filthy worm monkey! Stop complaining!"
"Would you two go do that somewhere else, please?!" Zim and Dib stopped arguing, and sat down in the muddy grass.
"Gaz!? What are you doing here?"
"Dude, we're behind your house," Zim tells him as if he were blind.
"What? But, but that's impossible!"
"Shh!!" And before you know it, Gaz threw an even bigger boulder at the two as to where Zim's rock didn't even compare! "That should shut you up," she says as she walks back into her house.
The two lay there unconscious.

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