Part 16: The Beasts Have Awoken

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"Gah, what happend?" Dib groaned, rubbing his head, only to find out that he's unable to rub his head, because there's a gigantic rock in the way. -_-
"Your scary sister," Zim answered.
"Yeah, no kidding. How'd we even end up in my backyard anyway?"
"Why were we even hunting for Bigfeets?" They both slowly turned their heads to face each other, and started laughing, like drunks. They were laughing so hard, they were gasping for air. I guess that's what getting crushed by a boulder does to you.
"Can you like, use your PAK to get this off of us?" Dib managed to ask.
"Stupid human, I'm laying on my PAK, I can't reach it." Saying that, made them both laugh even harder. Out of nowhere, they heard sticks cracking.
"Uh oh," Dib whispered.
"In horror movies, that means there's a murder."
"What?!" Zim shriecked, continuing to laugh.
"Shh, keep it down," Dib panicked trying to cover Zim's mouth, but failed. Because they're both stuck. Under a rock. The boulder suddenly lifted above them.
"What's happening?!"
"Are we dying?!"
"No, not yet at least," said an oddly familiar voice. There was a soft thunk, and then a, "Oww, Red, why'd you do that?" And a bunch of pouty noises Suddenly, Zim and Dib went unconscious again.

"Gah, where are we?" Dib repeated himself, but this time he was able to rub his head since there was no boulder crushing his squeedilyspooch. Wait...
Dib heard Zim gulp, then got worried.
"What is it, Zim?"
"I know where we are."
"I said, I know where we are," Zim scolded Dib.
"Yeah, yeah, I know what you said. But, where are we?"
"The Massive."
"The Massive!?" Dib panicked, then calmed down realizing he doesn't know what the Massive is. "What's the Massive?"
Zim sighed. "It's the headquarters of Irk, you could say."
"So, there are more aliens here?"
Dib smiled. "So, why is that a bad thing? You're back with your race." Zim looked at Dib like he was Gir.
"Do you not remember anything?"
Dib looked to the ceiling and thought for a moment, then a lightbulb shone above his head, literally.
"Oh! Oh. Oh no."
"Oh no. Oh no no no no no no. I'm too young to die! No no no no!"
"Shut up human, you're not going to die, I hope." Dib smiled.
"Well, do you know your way around?"
"Haven't you've been in here before?"
"I've attempted it, yes. But, I'm smart enough to know that there are officials everywhere. After all, the Tallest are here."
"The-th-the- TALLEST!?" Dib cried. Zim glued his hand onto Dib's mouth.
"Be quiet Monkey! You'll get us killed. Do you want me to use that duct tape again?"
Dib shook his head. "Are you going to be a good little human and shut up?" Dib nodded. "Good," Zim said as he patted his head, and took his 3 fingered hand off of Dib's mouth.
"But, don't they already know we're here?"
"I mean, I guess so."
Dib gasped. "Wait, I have an idea!" He took of his "internal" backpack, and pulled out a puppet of an alien and human, resembling the two.
Zim was confused.
"We'll use these to escape!"
"What? Are you insane?"
"No! For the last time, I'm not insane. Look, we'll put these in our places and make a run for it!"
"It's not going to work."
"It's going to work." Dib placed the dolls on the floor, and they were positioned into holding hands.
"Okay, let's go!" Dib ran off, forgetting Zim.
"Wait! You can't just—ugh," Zim followed Dib. "Where'd you even get those!?"

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