Part 13: Zim's Answer

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"HA! GOT YA! Stupid gullible human! You think that the almighty Zim cries!?" Zim laughed.
"Wha- ZIM?! I was actually worried about you!" Zim ignored Dib as he was rolling on the floor, laughing his little Irken heart out.
"Uh, Zim?"
"N-not now D-dib-human. BA-HAHAHA!!!"
"Zim? You might wanna shut up."
"You should've seen the look on your face! Priceless!" He continued laughing.
"ZIM!" Zim shot up, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"W-what?" He asked, partially laughing.
"Don't turn around." Zim turned around.
Dib got out his camera and took quick pictures, then set it down like nothing ever happened. It. Was. Bigfeets. It kneeled down to where it was eye to eye with Zim. He let out a loud roar right in front of him, with disgustingness, making his antennas wiggle.
"You need to brush your teeth," Zim said. Dib grabbed Zim's hand and pulled him away, and started running.
"What's going on?! What is that... that thing?!"
"Bigfeets!" Dib said as he pulled out his camera and started shooting live footage of the creature chasing after them.
"Eh?! Don't film me!"
"I wasn't going to!" They kept running, and Bigfeets kept chasing. Whatever they do, they can't stop. A couple of minutes later, Dib puts away they camera, while he's still running.
"Stupid, pitiful, humans," Zim said, smoothly. He rolled his eyes and shot out his spider legs from his PAK, and carried Dib.
"What—are—you—doing?..." Zim took a piece of duct tape that was loosely hanging from a branch and put in on Dib's mouth.
"Shh... your voice is annoying." They were running like this for a very long time until Zim decided to give Dib the ride of near death.
Zim looked down to the human in his hands. "Don't let go."
"Hmm?!" Dib whined. Zim threw Dib up in the air, and you could hear his pitiful attempt at screaming, but he decided to try his hardest to fly. He flapped his arms as fast as could, so the end didn't involve him dying. But, that didn't work. Zim turned around, so now he was running backwards, and Dib fell on Zim's head, and held on to his antennas as hard as he could.
"Ow!" Zim screeched. "Not so hard!"
"Mm srrryyy." He loosened his grip. Dib noticed two metal rods coming out of his PAK, and was very confused. The rods shot blue slimy stuff out onto Bigfeets.
"Hyyy, ddttsss daarr ssstttufff eee ued tuu qqiill geehh?!"
"Qq saadd, 'Hyyy, ddttaa daarr ssstttufff eee ued tuu qqiill geehh?! Err, hiiidd tuu iiaat heeaaastsss."
"Oh, yeah! I know. It is the stuff we used to try to kill Keef. Heh, that failed."
"Huuddd uuuddd ommlliii qwweerkkss ueeemmm tuu urrr hhheeehhyyy."
"Yeah, I know it only works when you're happy. I have the solution."
"Hmm?! Uuhhddss daar saalussoon?"
"Hmm!?" Dib panicked as Zim threw Dib towards Bigfeets.
"Haha. TOLD YOU I WOULD GET RID OF YOU SOMEDAY! VICTORY IS MINE!" Zim yelled. He turned back around and continued running on his actual legs. He was far away enough, so went to hide behind a tree. He looked back and saw Bigfeets, the blue version.
Hmm, it's not working?
"Oh, never mind."

You may be wondering, how Bigfeets got happy? He ate Dib.

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