Chapter 13

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I'm floating, fuzzy, moving without substance in a great big circle and who cares, who cares, who cares?

Now--a flicker of reality and something heavy, cotton-soft pressing against my skin, confirming my existence. Arms, a man's arms, human probably, cradle my form in its death-limpness. I feel like a child again, carried so. A dead child. Muscles flex in strong softness against my body and I am lowered.

I am lead, on me and in me and layered in warm smooth sheets under my skin. Gravity pulls gently, insistently--and I drop deeper, heavier, darker, thicker.

Someone touches my head, cool fingers pulling hot trapped thick hair away from my face and neck. I breathe a silent sleeping thank you.

I dream a shattered dream. Somewhere there is a sad voice, a lost voice, and my soul aches, reaching out to comfort it--

Burning, searing, singeing lashes of white-hot tear madly across my skin, flames leap vivid brilliant black--

An ache, pounding, vibrant, starts at the base of my skull and creeps sharply down my spine.

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