Chapter 8.

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As Vlad and Robin mouse - tiptoed out the door, Vlad twisted the door handle that leads to empty room involved with the vase Madga gave to Count Dracula. "What are you doing?" Robin asked, unsure. "Hiding Mr cuddles, I wanna keep him in a safe place. Can you stay near the door in case anyone sees us?" Vlad replied, eyes wizzing around the room as he tried to find the glass vase. Once finally finding the gorgeous fang pot, he takes a moment to stare before giving the teddy a soft peck and placing him behind the vase. Robin glancing to his left every five seconds. "Come on, before someone does suspect something and your mum wouldn't want to be waiting up." Vlad said once he was sure New Mr Cuddles was in the right place and stepping back out the room. "What if he senses us? You know, like vampires normally do?" Robin asks him, with an anxious tone despite him dressing as a vampire. "Robin, the worst he could do is start going doo - lallie over me" Vlad explains, whispering before tiptoeing  down the twisty stairs. He does hand instructions that tells him to hide behind him, before noticing Renfield doing his yoga. "Renfield?" He calls out to him, making him stop. "What can I do for you, Master Vlad?" He asks with his casual smile. "Erm, do you think you can get away with sneaking someone out without my father noticing?" Renfield's face turns confused and Robin comes out from behind his friend's back. "He's a breather?" "Yes, Robin's a breather but he is my friend!" Vlad argued. "I'm afraid I cannot do that without Count's permission but what I can do is is help him to donate some blood?" Renfield puts in an offer as Vlad and Robin give each other the eye. "I SMELL BREATHER'S BLOOD!" A voice yells abruptly and all three eyes widen. No one would've guessed it was Count Dracula. He comes closer with fangs set ready to prey on his food. "Master, I'm a breather?" The servant tells him, trying to distract the Count who begins to get confused. "I KNOW! But us vampires can always sense more!" Count exclaims, gazing around the room. Vlad swallows a lump down his throat. "Daddy?" He calls out, unexpectedly and . "What?! I'm trying to..." The count pauses into his sentence, stopping for a moment to realise the human standing behind his Vladdy.  He glimpses, "Ahh, looks like we have a visitor!" Robin appeals out."Him?" The Count recognises the friendly breather. "Vladdy! How did you know what I was craving for dinner?" The vampire grins excitedly, "No Daddy, I've not brought my friend for you to feed on! I'm here because I'm leading him out." As Vlad clarifies, Count Dracula's facial expression drops and he frowns. "And what the blood and garlic was he doing here?" Vlad hesitated momentarily at Robin, as Robin looked back and fourth at the pair. "Helping with a project for tomorrow," He finally answered and the friends smiled. "You know the rules, You are my son and ask for my permission." "I won't do it again, I promise! Please can I let him out now?" Vlad begs, his eyes turning sad bunny eyes that his father cannot resist. Count steps aside, his eyes closed and gives a direction to let him make his way out. "Master, do you think I should wear the pink dress for dinner tonight?" Renfield asks with his bright smile, making Count twitch at the sound of colourful. "OH go and prepare dinner will you!" Count exclaimed back as the servant walked to his lab awkwardly. "Breathers these days!" He mutters, off to get back in his throne without luck.

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