Chapter 6.

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"Vlad! Open up!" Count Dracula knocked, putting an ear close to his door to hear if he's in. "You won't start loosing it in front of Zoltan, will you?" Vladimir begged from inside the room. "You know me Vlad, I'm not promising anything!" Vlad sighed, there wasn't anyway of not giving in anyway. "Stay there, Zoltan." He gently stroked Zoltan's back briefly before going to unlock the door and letting his father in. Closing his eyes, count smelt the fresh air off ancient dust upon the room. "Uh Dad, what are you doing?" Vlad asked puzzled. "Smelling the new atmosphere! Noticed Renfield made a perfume filled of ancient dust and sweet blood." Count described the loving smell of Vampires with a smile, as his eye lids opened again and Vlad sniffed up the air again but frowned when not noticing much. "He didn't
make it too strong for you, you're only young!" Count walked smartly over to Vlad, causing him to be in the way of Zoltan as he put his pair of hands on the shoulders of Vlad. "Why don't we go for more bat lessons later today? Just you and me" "But Master, someone will have to hold the kit! I can do that for you?" Zoltan talked to Count in his deep, polite tone. "Zip it, dog!" "He's not a dog, he is a wolf!" Vlad clarified, offended everytime he hears that. "Oh, whatever that thing is!" Count moaned, glancing away and back again. "Vlad, If you need anything up here just call me straight away!" He reassures, gently tapping his cheek and walking out with the door closed again. Vlad smiled at Zoltan politely, "Sorry, about that..." "It's okay, I'm quite used to it" Zoltan replied, in a forgiving way.

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