Chapter 5.

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"Ah, My Vladdy you're home!" Count shouted with open arms as Vlad returned, from six hours of not being with him. Ingrid's eyes wizzed side to side, jealous to Count giving her little brother attention. "I am here too, you know? Happy?" "Oh Ingrid, I'd be even more happy if you were still at school!" Count answered back while leaning against his vampiric, luxury place to sit as he rejects his daughter for being a girl. Ingrid rolled her eyes. "Now Vladdy! I am certainly in a good mood and for that I decided to reset up your room a bit, let a bit of black around!" A word instantly came into Vlad's head. Zoltan! Count wouldn't have seriously chucked poor Zoltan off the battle fields again?! Or would he...? If he ever lost him, it wouldn't just be a wolf, it would also be his bestfriend just like Mr cuddles and Robin. "Dad...You haven't done anything to Zoltan, have you?" Vlad asked gently, not wanting to push his father's anger limits like yesterday. Count's eyes widened just a bit, hearing the names of who his son has a bond with out of Vlad's mouth but he took a deep breath when noticing his jealousy. "No Vlad, I locked him in the wardrobe to get him out the way." Count confessed, in a tone where he stayed calm and Vlad frowned perplexed about how he's coping. "In the wardrobe?! He probably can't breathe in there, I want him out where he belongs!" He ordered, rushing ahead upstairs to his bedroom and he gazed around only to find the wardrobe pushed into the corner where you could barley. Straight away he could hear the silent cries of Zoltan's deep voice before opening it. "Zoltan!" Vlad sighed in relief. "Oh seems your father might've accidentally mistaken me for the junk.." Zoltan was sat there facing the side of the wardrobe with a bunch of clothes bashing against him in the way everytime he made a squeak. "No he hasn't, he was planning on clearing my room out! Come on, I'm getting you out of here!" Vlad rolled his eyes, lifting him up gently out of the crammed place as Zoltan staggered.

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