Chapter 2.

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It was the next morning. The tension between Count and Vlad was awkward.
"Can I offer you anymore rat tail Master?" Renfield asked a volatile Count, which breaking the silence. He peaked over at what Vampires call luxury bowl. "You know I don't eat at this time Renfield!" Count answered back in his not so quiet tone, while glimpsing through the newspaper about all the vampire gossip. Vlad had just finished his cereal bowl, he smashed the spoon against the wooden bowl as he got off the table to follow Ingrid, his big sister. "Oh Vlad, I'm checking over your room and I'm hoping it is spotless!" Count reminded Vlad before heading off to school. "I wouldn't bother father, he'll have his little breather friends in his room by the end of today! Go through mine and you'll see it's got nothing else but anything to spook up anyone's day! Isn't that how you want your precious child to be like?" Ingrid interferes once again, trying to get onto Count's favourite side. "Is that supposed to change my mind about who's more important because it's not working an inch!" Count raises his eyebrows up at Ingrid while she rolls her eyes back, much to her default. "I promise you there are now nothing in my room you don't want, thanks to you! I'm gonna be late for school, not that you care!" Vlad headed out into the sunlight, his backpack on his back with his uniform on as Ingrid went on to follow behind. As soon as the door locked shut, Ingrid obviously had something to say to wind Vlad up. "Jealous because Dad obviously trusts me because I'm the oldest?" "No! Not like you who's always wasting your time trying to get on his good side!" Vlad fought back. They both argued, throwing all sorts of funny comebacks until they finally reached school where they'd go their separate ways. Vlad always went off to find his close pal, Robin who wasn't a vampire...but he wanted to be unlike Vlad! "I'll be his little princess in no time so I wouldn't get all jumpy!" Ingrid thrown back with a smirk as they slowly walked trying to finish off their argument as they reached school. "Whatever you say, sis. But I'm sure you said that a year ago." Vlad went off, shaking his head with a silent chuckle as soon as they entered into the gates.

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