Chapter 7.

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There was a knock on the window, Vlad startled seeing a boy dressed in all black to what he first thought was his own mirror but no who would've guessed, it was Robin once again climbing up to the top of the castle where his bedroom stopped. "Wooooah!" Robin dropped in an inch until he was holding onto the window ledge due to Vlad's own scare. Luckily, Vladimir quickly saved him by grasped onto his jacket, lifting his body in. There was a loud bang on the floor as Robin dropped and Vlad scrunched his face. "VLADDY! IM COMING!" Count shouted so loud, causing part of the castle to start shaking. "I dropped one of these bottles!" Vlad lied, glancing back at Robin as he cleaned dust of him. "Robin, what's in that black bin bag?" Vlad asked, completely forgetting about Robin's old teddies they were on about at school. Robin put his hand into the bag, Vlad's heart fluttered a bit when he took out a little fluffy monkey and wriggled it with a chuckle. "A monkey! It's not a teddy bear, but it's more when it's an animal you can cuddle with." He explained to Vlad. "Can I hold it?" As soon as Robin handed it over to him, Vlad did nothing but stare at it with a full heart. "You can cuddle it, you know? Mr cuddles?" "I know, I...I just want to be gentle with him." Vlad admitted, his soft side coming out. "Vlad, I've just flew here holding a bin bag with teddies inside" Robin replied, the black bag still in his hand. "You walked, you mean." Vlad erased. "So, who's the lucky breather this is going to?" "Well...I climbed up here to give it to you?" Robin confirmed to Vlad, reading his mind if he wanted the cute monkey. "Me? Where am I s'pose to put it without my Dad finding out and ripping it apart again? Also, are you going to charge me for Mr cuddles?" Vlad asked multiple questions all thrown at Robin, panicking but desperately hoping there'd be a positive answer. "You can always hide it over in that wardrobe? And I was thinking because you're my friend and your Dad's a vampire I'll let you off?" Robin offered politely. Who wouldn't for a bestie like Vladimir Dracula? "Hey! Just because my Dad's all vampiric doesn't mean I'm any different!" Vlad did get himself worked up when people thought they'd have to treat him differently, it wasn't like he was anything like him though? "Didn't your Daddy shred Mr Cuddles the first? If he seen this, I'd probably be drained out of blood, The left overs would be for Zoltan and all my teddies would be gotten rid of fast." Robin rambled on, getting ahead of himself. "I wouldn't do such a thing!" Zoltan butted in, overhearing. "Okay, okay don't get too dramatic! Look, who else is going to wash my clothes if Mr cuddles is in my wardrobe?" Vlad questioned in thinking mode, "Hang on, I can put him upon the shelf behind this is vase my Mum gave to my dad as his birthday present! Thank you Robin." He thought of an idea with both hands wrapped around the monkey. Robin smiled, before giving the disappointed answer. "No worries, I know how much you adore your teddies! Right, I must get back in time before tea time and my mum starts wondering around the streets. If only my mum and dad let me get that watch.." "Oh, maybe you can come over next time for longer? If I manage" Vlad offered, despite not being able to past times because of his Vampire Father. "Totally! Right, I gotta go." Robin told him, just as he was about to climb back through the rectangular shaped window. "That's it, you're getting from out the front door. I'm not letting you plunge all the way down there!" Vlad suggested, lifting him out again and making a silent creak that wasn't able to hear enough. "How else am I supposed to get all the way down there without your father noticing?" Robin questioned frowning to his behaviour. "Who cares about Daddy? I'm not that cruel. Come on!" He insisted, showing him out towards the bedroom door..

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