Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Serenity's POV

It's been a week since we talked to Chiron and everyone has started training seriously. Grover had given me a list of satyrs and which all schools they would be sent to and new campers have been coming and being claimed at a surprising speed. Sometimes our campers or the army members would have go to assist the satyrs in retrieving the demigods.

The Demeter, Dionysus cabin, the two gods, and the nature spirits were busy creating different traps and camouflaging them cleverly and were overseen by Calypso. She had suggested placing traps in the beach also and at first took Nathan's help, which proved to be useless. He kept messing things up so we sent him to practice fighting while Poseidon, Percy and the naiads helped instead...

Even though things were going well, it was taking too long to create so many traps. Now you may be wondering, since I'm the third most powerful being, why can't I just snap my fingers and create traps or something like that... That would be because my assistance is restricted. Yes I can advise and supervise them but I cannot help them physically. The only thing I can take part in is the battle against End since only Percy and I can defeat or save him, not even the Gods can as much as scratch him... Of course Void, Order and Chaos did fight against him the first time but it took all three of them to lock him up and that to not permanently, and that was thousands of years ago when he was young, now he is older and most definitely stronger. It will be too much for those three put together, the only ones who can do anything is me or Percy or both....

The Hephaestus cabin was also creating traps, weapons, bombs, armors, shields and anything else they could think of that would help, with Hephaestus himself helping. Leo was upgrading Festus, making him stronger and almost indestructible, which took most of his time... Beckendorf would supervise the buildings and also help when needed like creating any tools required, whether it was easy or hard to find.

Thalia was teaching the hunters and Apollo cabin (and other interested campers) on how to use the bow and arrows and was helped by Artemis and Frank since there were too many to teach alone... All the beginners started with Frank and Artemis and went up to Thalia. Artemis also taught them how to use hunting knifes... Apollo, Will, Austin, Kayla and Nico oversaw to the medical needs. They ensured that medical supplies were stored and were deciding where to set up the 'first aid tents' as Apollo called it..

Nico had just returned from meeting Void and told us that End was still gathering an army, even though his current army was over twenty-thousand, monsters and demigods included... He also told us that End was hunting for unclaimed demigods (which I had already guessed) and was resurrecting the titans and giants. The primordial, including Gaea, Ouranos, Tartarus and Nyx, where on our side but not partaking in the war, unless absolutely necessary... We had just finished dinner and were back in our cabin discussing about the giants and reporting the weekly outcomes (We decided that every week we'd have a meeting where the progress would be reported and advice given, not just by me but the rest also, and other important stuff discussed...)

Thalia: Not the giants again!!! (Exclaiming after Nico shared that piece of information...)

Leo (sarcastically): Oh joy... that means we will have to work with the very Gods that betrayed us... (at the 'betraying' part, I noticed Percy flinching slightly... or maybe it was at the 'working with the gods' part...)

Me: Not necessarily...

Jason: What do you mean???

Me: I'm a goddess and before you became part of the army I gave you my powers. So as long as you use them while battling, you should be able to defeat them...

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