Losing my Soul

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What have you done- Within Temptation

Days pass by really well, everything was going very good. William work was going great he was nominated for businessman of the year award, Sam's happiness has no words she was blooming she thought her efforts for Will has finally paid off & she wished they would stay like this forever

Today was the day for his award she was excited crossing her fingers thinking he would win but Will has been so engrossed in his work lately & they got big profits this year & also that he is nominated for the award but he was just behaving neutral.

When they arrived at the function, he posed for the camera with Sam on his side she smiled for the camera. Paparazzi were asking so many questions to him & he was answering every one of it confidently. Sam just admired him from side thinking only about the warmth he was giving her as his hand was on her waist when one question caught her attention

"So Mr. Stone do you think you'll win this award?"

"The award is already mine"

"Well then if you win what you want to say for your fellow competitors"

"The best only wins rest are the wastes"

Sam frowned listening to his answer it seemed like not himself but his ego talked but everybody just neglected into laugh. Suddenly female reporter from them asked Sam question

"M'am, what about you? How do you feel? Are you pregnant?"

Sam got stunned, gulping hard, she held Will's hand clutching it tightly, glancing at her Will interrupted by dismissing the question & led them inside

Sam looked at Will's hand on hand rest & intertwined them with her, she blushed but then something doesn't seem right to her, yes, Will was behaving different lately but she always neglected it thinking he is stressed due to work & now today she held his hand but he didn't held it back like he don't want to like she is grabbing her hand forcefully & he is not interested. He has become snappy lately, yells on small things. The announcer came on stage

"Hello ladies & gentlemen & the award for businessman of the year goes to.........

William stone"

Sam bounced in her sit clapping hard smiling whole-heartedly, Will got up & went to stage to receive it, Sam feel little disappointed that he didn't kiss her, peck her or atleast hug her, dismissing her thoughts she listened to his speech

"Thank you one & all. This is first time I received the award & I wish to receive it every year. I want to thank myself first, god, my employees, my friends & lastly my family"

Holding Will's award she was gleaming pecking on his lips she whispered to him

"I love you"

Waiting for his reply but

"We're in public, behave"

Was the only words that came out of his mouth. Is he embarrassed to be with me? She stopped her thoughts thinking maybe he didn't want to create a fuss here & more gossip topic

Today was Sunday but Will was working Sam was upset that he is not here & he didn't tell also that he went to work without waking her & didn't give her morning kiss which he always gives on her forehead & make her day more beautiful. She didn't want to be alone all day so she called Tania to spend some time with her

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