Confession Sugar

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Listen the song while you read

Getaway car- Taylor swift

Will was calling everyone to get in touch with Sam but no one knew where she was, atlast he called her mother

"Mom, is Sammy there?"

"Will, i can't...."

"Please mom, its been 48 hours I need talk to.... her"

He heard Sam's voice in background it sends smile on his face

"Mom, atleast let me hear her voice"

Her mom kept phone down without disconnecting & Will was smiling hearing her voice after so long

"Sammy, eat something you're looking pale"

"Don't call me that, I'm fine I told you just don't trouble me" she whisper yelled

Will smiled holding his tears at her remark only he can call her Sammy, my Sammy, my little vixen- a tear drop from his eyes

"Troubling you young lady, you are trouble sitting in room eating less, crying and locking yourself inside a room is not gonna help. If you have problems go to him & sort it out"

"Mum, you won't understand just let me be if you're having trouble of me being here then I am going to some friend's house"

"Oh no no..... you always tell everyone to talk to solve your problems then why don't you talk to him"

"because I'm scared, I run from problems but this time I made the right decision & I don't want to hear anything about him"

She went inside her room banging the door in process, Sam's mother pick up the phone

"Look Will, I don't know what happen between you two just come here & sort it out. She has become silent since she came home- not talking, not eating, spacing out and crying alone. I can't see my girl like this. Last night I caught her cutting her wrist, just come & sort it out"

"I'll be there mom"'

He held the phone near his heart, hitting it on his heart speaking to himself 'why Sammy why, don't hurt yourself please' he always tried to be tough but Sam was his weak point & he couldn't hold his heart, his feelings & the tears anymore. He arrived next day, her mom welcomed him & opened her door gesturing him to go inside whispering

"I broke her lock"

When he entered the room, only table lamp was on she was sitting near the window at corner of dark room, cold breeze was coming inside, she was biting her lips to control her sobs, yanking her hairs to make the pain go away, her heart was beating fast she felt like its going to stop now. She didn't notice him coming, tears were running down her face she didn't bother to clean them. Will sat near her putting one hand on her shoulder feeling her warmth she immediately turn to look at him, seeing him she gasped stumbling she stood up away from him.

He moved towards her but she moved back taking long strides he enveloped her in hug. She breathe heavily her heart started pulsing beating loud after touching him feeling his warmth but remembering everything she pushed him away


"Sammy, let me explain"

"No, I don't care just go"

"Sweetheart, its just misunderstanding"

"Is it? did you not order those papers? Did you not sign on it?"

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