Made for Sin

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Night breeze was coming inside the room through window, her eyes were swollen & red, throat raspy, she was sniffing slowly. Slowly she fell asleep, Will slowly bend to look but she was in deep sleep. Sliding blanket on her body, he saw red bruise on her wrists, he placed his fingers checking them, she snuggle in the pillow more.

He couldn't sleep, resting against the headboard, he glanced at her, she always confuses him. One moment she become so persistent like she will never leave him, make him go crazy from her words & action & then next thing she will say that never show her face and above all this  the attraction between them keeps on increasing & after that kiss, oh my god, her lips are made for sin. Sometimes I wish I can keep her in my life but that would be cheating with Jennifer that I can't do to her, she was always there for me. Tell me one for instance-he subconscious mocked him

He heard her little whimpers in sleep


Tears slowly made there way out, he moved to her side taking her in his arms he consoled her

"shush......its okay, I'm here. Calm down"

He rubbed her arms, she slowly silent down, taking her in his arms he slide in bed, covering her with duvet, her head rest against his chest. Rubbing her back & arms, playing with her hairs he fell asleep

Next morning, when he woke up she wasn't in his arms, rubbing the sleep away he checked downstairs breakfast was ready but she was no where to be found. When he came out of shower, he didn't notice before but his pressed suit, wallet & watch was put properly on couch & table with a note under the watch saying

Went to work, don't wait for me. Sorry, I cant make dinner tonight


Writing her whole name what she is trying to do now. She always confuses him, try to make him angry & making him think about all these feelings coming & chasing him all the time. Day pass by when he returned home she hasn't come home back yet. He changed into usual, it was 11 already where is she, its not safe to roam alone at this hour besides she don't drive & I don't trust cabs these late. Not waiting anymore he drive to her office but the guard said she just left, he has been trying calling her whole day, okay, only three time in whole day & how many times did you called Jennifer, I guess, yes a lot. Wait why I am comparing her with jenny-he thought to him

He waited for her whole night slowly he started getting scared maybe something happened to her, she never been this late what if she got in accident or someone kidnapped her or.....front door opened, she came inside looking all tired, he stood up from living room couch, she shocked to see him awake, confusing she slide down her purse closing the door

"you're awake?"

"where were you?"

"I told you I'll be late"

"late. Its 4 in morning"

"Yeah, so?"

"So I thought something happened to you. I was sick worried for you & you're giving me attitude"

"You were worried for me"

She looked at him, sleep in his eyes was visible, bags under his eyes were forming. She sighed thinking she is the reason for this, she made him look like this, he yelled at her fuming in anger pinning her against the wall with his body

"Shut up, how dare you? You cant play with my mind, it's like I am going crazy thinking, you know what- I want you out of my life. You're confusing me, like I am not the person I was anymore. Stop doing it, stop playing with me or........" she gulped

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