you & I

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Cool breeze always calms her down, windows of her cabin were open, dust was coming in but it didn't bother because it was coming with smooth cooling waves of wind. Work was tiring but as it comes to end of day, it entices her that she will go home & have her mother's special homemade chocolate milk.

She was about to leave when her manager came to her cabin

"Sam, a minute please"

"Yes, sir"

"Look you are working for our firm for so long as marketing executive officer, so we want you to make a team & boost our sales a little more because competition is rising"

"I understand sir, I'll gather a team & give you ideas about promoting it"

"Okay, you may leave now"

She walked out of the corporation, hailing a cab, she went home when she was caught by aroma of her mother's food, best mood changer, she walked inside, her father was still at work, she hugged her mother tight, snuggling in her back, her mother gasped turning back towards her

"Hey mom, what your making?"

"Your father's special"

"mmm, bday special, now I feel sad I just bought him a tie though he don't wear tie. I'll ask him myself for anything else. I'll go freshen up can you make a chocolate milkshake for me"

"ok, dear"

Her mother called her for dinner downstairs, she removed her glasses & went down for dinner, she was about take first bite when her dad asked her about her day

"It was fine, dad but I feel bad that I didn't bought you proper gift you tell me what you want for your bday"

Her father & mother looked at each other, now it confused her, maybe she fell in her own web

"okay, I want something. You remember we went to a wedding 3 days before, there my friend saw you & he asked you for his son"

"to babysit" she asked making it more amusing

"No, for marriage"


Her dad know her condition & her thoughts all too well

"Sweetie I am not pressuring you, just meet him & then tell me"

"Dad, I don't want a guy in my life, I am independent & free. I love my freedom"

"All men are not same"

"Fine, you decide, if you like him I'll marry him but remember only for you because if it is possible I want to remain single always"


His father & mother agreed, they always get anything from her & she give too easily but no matter what when they become happy she felt joyed. she went to her room, sleeping on bed thinking- 'you have to marry no matter what' my parents statement, they want me to settle down but why do I need a man for that, I am happy as I am. God please make him say no for me, say that I am ugly or something. Even if a get married what is possibility that he is nice & treat me like queen, I always wanted my soul mate to accept me for who I am, respect my thoughts & love me no matter what. Is that even possible, does such type of guys exist on this earth, I guess not


He was running late, running through crowd, car has to break down right now, right? My luck he thought. He went hurriedly to his cabin which engrossed William stone in golden-CEO, proud, he went inside his manager came inside with files

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