Haunting Me

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Thousand years- Christina Perri

She slide away from him clutching her stomach hard, it was paining really hard, hurting bad. When she came out of ladies room pain was still there & it was increasing more & more, she started feeling dizzy, holding onto wall she found exit door, walking away she was holding her stomach hard. Will saw her going out so he followed her back, she was feeling nauseous & before she know it, she purged. Holding her hairs in one hand, her vision was blurring. She was crying, Will rubbed her back, holding her hairs back. Getting back up, her head spinned & she fainted, Will hold her in his arms.

Picking her up in arms he walked to his car, when she woke up her tears didn't stop; she clutched her stomach hard & cried mumbling

"Will, I am going to die"

"No you're not, we're going to hospital"

"No, no.....i am going to die, I can't, I can't" she cried harder

He held her hand & squeezes it, rubbing it making circles on her hand lovingly. it pained him to see her in this state. he clutched his hand on steering wheel his knuckles turning white by his grip, he wanted to hold & soothe her pain away, kissing her till she stops crying. He picked her up bridal style rushing towards emergency holding her more near his heart; she clutched her hands on his suit, rubbing her face in his chest. 

She was being treated but she keep mumbling incoherent words, crying. Will was pacing, he can't hear her cries anymore all he care was to go inside & hold her in his arms, stop all her pain, he was yanking his hairs in frustration he can't see her like this, he was controlling all his pain & his feelings to go barge in there. He sat on bench waiting for doctors to come out; his hands were on his knees holding his head down. Doctors came out

"Mr. stone, your wife is okay?"

Will sighed in relief "What happened to her doctor?"

"We took some test on her, you can collect them tomorrow evening. We have sedated her for some time; you can take her home tomorrow morning"

Will entered her room, she was sleeping her hands were stuck with IV, nurse came inside to check on her, telling will

"When saline will end call me to replace it with another, it is for giving minerals to her she seem weak and I say you should give her healthy food"

"Okay" Will gulped down couldn't see her state anymore

When nurse left, he hold her hand all night, kissing her knuckles he wanted to here her taunts, her snarky remarks, saying something sarcastic to him & them laugh on her on joke. he held her hand in front of his forehead just want to see her eyes glancing at him with......... next morning reports were coming in evening so Will took her home. She was silent whole ride, seeing rain outside the window, she traced her fingers on the droplets on the window

"It will leave imprint on it, don't do that" Will said, his voice more sharp than usual

It only sadden her more, she sat straight in her sit, hiding more into her sit, stopping herself from crying. She didn't even notice they reach home; she was looking at her hands resting on her lap, licking & biting her lip. Will open her door picking her, she encircled her hands around his neck, burying her face in his neck. He heard her little sniffs looking down at her face, tears were flowing her eyes & nose was red. He clenched his teeth, gulping hard, she speaks between her cries

"If something happen to me, you marry to Jennifer......"


"I know you don't need my permission but don't marry until for a week & don't cry when I die......."

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