Pure Torture

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listen while you read

love me like you do- Ellie Goulding

Morning soothes the tension because it was eating her every day, the kiss but she convinced herself that it was just heat of moment, he did to prove his point, her thoughts were interrupted by giggle coming in front of table she was sitting. She huffed but just smiled, it wasn't whole-hearted but she try to keep it up for the friendship thing. How much she wanted to tell him she don't want this friendship thing but want to be his lover

"So Sam what do you do?"

"My close & loved ones only call me Sam & I work as marketing executive"


"You have no idea what I am talking about right"

"Well, I am not so much into that business stuff"

"Its not business its marketing same as William doing, you're dating him & don't even know what he do"

"I know"

Will glared at her still resting his hand on jennifer's chair, sitting right next to her sliding more towards her. It angered Sam more, clenching her fist under the table, digging her nails in her palm leaving imprint there making it more red. Calming her nerves she asked Jennifer

"So how did you two met?"

"well......." She said giggling looking at Will while he just closed the space between them more

"We met at high school, he was very popular every girl admired him...."she said looking at Sam pointing the fact

"...but I guess he had eyes only for me, right babe"

She giggled more while Will kissed her cheek. Sam clamped the fork in her hand, it was paining, blood start to come out but her heart was paining more than her physical pain. Why does she giggle like 5 year old school girl. So annoying, You're just saying that because she have him & you don't, just shut up- she scolded herself

"umm....i have to go somewhere. I guess, i'll take my leave"

Blinking her tears away throwing the fork away which has her blood

"I'll come with you" Will asked

"No, you guys carry on, I'll be alone"

"Oh come on, it'll be good to know each other while shopping, you know, bonding our friendship more" he insisted

"I'll come too" Jennifer said

"Babe you have to meet your friends" Will said


" and besides it is friends day out. I think it shouldn't allow girlfriends in it" Will smiled

It hurted Sam hearing those words from him but she played it well

"or boyfriends"

It got attention of Will thinking who is her friend, angered him to no bound, questions playing in his mind, Jennifer interrupted

"Why don't we hang out sometime you know with my friends"

"I cant. I don't do clubbing or partying"

"oh, how about going to lunch"

"I wish I could but I have some allergies from food & from some people" pointing it out

Sam composed restricting her feelings coming out, Jennifer was really nice but she couldn't stop her heart anymore & now she has to spend the day with Will, pure torture.

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