Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet

Start from the beginning

Isolde: Yeah?

Me: That's her.

Isolde: Oooh. So, she found them before we did.... no wonder we thought it was a fake. She found them first before Salem and we did.

Me: Indeed. A-- wait, what do you mean, before Salem and we did???

Isolde: Before you were born and your sister was just 2 years old, your father and I, and a few others including Ozpin went around Remnant in search for these stones. As we were searching for them, Salem and her group having the same objective as ours, spotted us and got in our way. Every location, every stone we tried to hunt, they always get in our way. But what we didnt know is that, they were not there to where they said they would. Non of us taken the stones to what everyone questioned, not by them, not by us. That was concluded that the Infinity Stones of Remnant are nothing but fairy tales in the books. But what I didnt know was that they were taken in secret, which you said they were as proof to be told, it's with you. Tell me, how did she do it?

Me: She can change into any animal. From Rabbit, to gorrila, hawk, panda, and many more. Her personal one is the Key-Dragon form.

Isolde: I see. Interesting Angel you have. Turning into animals.... just like Raven turning into a Raven.

Me: Yeah. She's good. Hmmm. Hey, you said Raven. H-

Isolde: She.

Me: Fine, she. You said she can turn into an animal as well??? As well as Orochi?

Isolde: Yes, she can as well. But for your Angel's case, she's very special as she can turn into any animal in her free will.

Me: Heheheh. That's Orochi Tenma for you.

After explaining everything about the stones' past, about Orochi Tenma and how she got it, there is a brief moment of silence as we all stared blankly at each other and the sky.

Isolde: Ummmm, son.

Me: Yeah?

Isolde: Were you suppose to make history???

Me: Oh! With pleasure. And you are gonna be the first one to see it.

I said this as I sighed.

Me: Let's make History, people.

As I said this, I heard my mother giggle including numerous of giggles as well. Most probably the other Past Winter Maidens aee watching as well from the Winter Maiden Realm. So, I giggled too while taking the stones out from the tiny sack as I readied to place them on my guantlet.

Me: First, (raised the first stone up) the Stone of Creation.... brought you by, our powers, my mother.... my fellow Winter Maidens from the Winter maiden Realm, and myself.

I stated as I placed the stone near to the third slot as the stone automatically inserts itself to the slot, giving me powers of Creation and the Winter Maidens' Powers. I soon raised another stone in the air, stating;

Me: The stone of Destruction. Brought to you by, our fellow Summer Maidens.

I placed the stone near to the first slot as the stone automatically inserts itself to the slot, giving me powers of Destruction and the Summer Maidens' Powers. I soon raised another stone in the air, stating;

Me: The stone of Choice. Brought to you by, our fellow Fall Maidens.

I placed the stone near to the second slot in between the Stones of Destruction and Creation as the stone automatically inserts itself to the slot, giving me powers of Choice and the Fall Maidens' Powers. I soon raised another stone in the air, stating;

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