1. The Beginning

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"Let's go, let's go!"

Kirishima put the last suitcase in the trunk, and threw all the coats on top. "Kaminari! Last chance to go to the toilet-"

"I already went like... three times this morning," said the electric boy, getting inside the car, immediately getting squished between Ashido and Sero. "Why do we have to take your car, Bakugou?!" he exclaimed, shuffling around, trying to put his seat-belt on, lifting Sero's thigh so he could access the buckle.

"None of you owns cars," snarled Bakugou, closing the bonnet, and getting into the driver's seat. "Who's the fucker who took my phone?" he asked, glaring at the three behind him.

"Kiri took it," chuckled Ashido. "He said he wanted to call Midoriya-"

"Kirishima!" shouted the driver, glaring at the redheaded man that was leaning against the car's door, talking into Bakugou's phone. "Hurry up," he added, making the redhead stiffen, and slip into his seat at the front.

"Sorry man, call you later," he chuckled, hanging up. "Want the map?" he asked.

"You already know he does," grinned Ashido at the back, taking off her shoes; for comfort.

"Right, right," smiled the redhead, clicking on the MAP app. "Where is the address again?"


"Okay," muttered Kirishima, typing it in, and letting his eyes widen as he noticed the time it'll take them. "Thirteen hours!" he exclaimed, making the other in the back of the car groan.

"Exactly," barked Bakugou. "And now because of your slow asses, we'll have to stop at some shitty motel," he grimaced.

"Aw man..." mumbled Kaminari, charging his phone, his voice muffled by the charger in his mouth.

"Dude, why don't you put it in your nose?" asked Sero.

"Because it hurts," whined the electric boy.

"Put your seat-belts on, fuckers. We have a long-ass road ahead," snickered Bakugou, flinching as Ashido banged her head on the back of his seat. "Let's go."


The car was filled with silence, and Bakugou angry honking. To think they would have to survive more than thirteen hours with it, one hour of honking was already enough. Actually, it wasn't very silent then, there was quite a lot of complaining. The car didn't have efficient vent, it was an old Dacia Sandero that dated from 2014. It was the only cheap enough car he managed to find. It had a discount because of the improvements it needed, but Bakugou managed to pay for them by saving the money he got from his hero work.

This car has been with them since they began their hero days. And although everyone could drive it, Bakugou was more often this car's driver. He was the closest to it than any other. But, he abused it. A lot.

His eye twitched as he saw the car in front of him stay immobile as the light flashed green. 'Fucking..' "Go!" he yelled out of the window, after his honk. Like usual he received a honk back, as the car in front of him began to move.

"You are gonna get pulled over if you continue honking like that in the city," stated Sero, looking up from his phone, carefully scanning the area for any cops. "Aren't we supposed the people who really closely follow the law?" he asked, watching Kirishima search in the glove box, through the side-view mirror.

"Yeah, but each time Bakugou gets pulled over, cops just ask for his autograph, than him to show his license," said Ashido, shrugging. She poked Kaminari, who was about to do something stupid on his phone. "Now that my curiosity peaked, why did you call Midoriya, Kiri?"

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