Part 17

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The two lovers were sleeping peacefully, legs tangled and forehead pressed together when a sudden ringing startled them both awake. Taehyung jumped quickly out of bed while Jungkook fell back asleep.

''Hello?...Really!?...Yes, we'll be there right away!''

Jungkook was startled awake by Taehyung shaking him and yelling his name. In his groggy state, the only words he caught were Jina and labor but those were the only he needed to jump awake.

His heart was hammering in his chest with both fear and excitement. He was excited about having children of his own but he was scared for Jina and for the rest of those little, innocent children who he won't even get to meet. It was heartbreaking but he trusted Mr Lee to make sure they would be taken care of really well and not abused or sold off to some breeding farm. The thought made him nauseous.

He wished Jina didn't have to go through that pain and despite really wanting children, he wished neither of them were involved with this so that Jina could live longer and Jungkook wouldn't lose a friend.

The two of them scrambled to get dressed while brushing their teeth at the same time and it didn't take them long to get on the road. Jungkook was bouncing his leg the entire drive there, sick with anxiety and turmoil. He was torn between feeling extremely happy and completely devastated. He was scared and hated that he was helpless. That wouldn't help Jina. It wasn't fair but that was the way life worked.

When they got there, they weren't allowed to see Jina as she was still giving birth. Jungkook was on the verge of having a panic attack, clutching onto Taehyung to keep himself grounded.

''It's ok'' The elder whispered in his ear, ''You have to be strong. For her. For your children. I'll always be by your side, I promise; you are not alone.'' Jungkook eventually calmed down and his lungs opened back up. Taehyung was right. He had to be strong. He couldn't even begin to imagine the pain and fear Jina was going through. He was not alone, yes, but Jina was and it pained his heart immensely that he couldn't at least be there for her now.

It took 12 long hours before a doctor walked out of the clinic room. The two of them were basically dragged out by Mr Lee to go eat something and relax a little bit at some point. Jungkook looked up at him, his eyes wide and ears alert. So many thoughts were going through his head. Are the children ok? Can he meet the ones he can take? What about Jina? Long labors were common but it felt like this one took way too long. Half a day was a long time and the chances of Jina surviving were extremely slim.

''Jina...?'' His voice broke and he was afraid of what he was going to hear. Was she dead or did she survive this? He hoped that he could at least talk to her for a few minutes, so she could see that he would take care of their children and protect them with his life.

The doctor sighed, ''She's alive, for now. I don't know how long you have with her so I'm going to let you go and see her'' He said solemnly.

Jungkook quickly rushed into the room to see the female laying on the bed, all energy drained from her, yet she looked so happy and content holding two tiny babies in her arms. They were about the size of her palm. He approached quietly, not wanting to wake his sleeping children. Jina looked at him, a wide smile on her face and tears of happiness and sadness in her eyes.

''Look Kookie. Aren't they beautiful? I haven't named them yet so I'll leave that up to you. Do you want to hold them?'' She placed the two babies into his arms before he could say anything and he cradled them ever so gently.

''Promise me you'll look after them?'' Jina said, looking Jungkook in the eye seriously. The boy nodded, tears falling down his cheeks.

Jina smiled and closed her eyes, breathing out her last breath. Yet she looked so peaceful, Jungkook couldn't bring himself to cry. She was finally free and at peace, no longer tied to this prejudice and unjust world. She was in a better place. A small part of Jungkook envied her, that she escaped and he was left behind but the smile on her pale face and the tiny babies he was holding filled him with a sense of ambition. He was going to try to make the world a better place for all hybrids and everyone else who is still discriminated. He may not change everything right away or in his lifetime but he swore that he'd set the foundation for other hybrids to show that they should be treated with respect and that they were not below everyone else.

The two babies were a boy and a girl and were exact replicas of Jungkook. Raven hair and deep chocolate brown eyes paired with gorgeous smiles. Jungkook passed the girl to Taehyung who had tears in his eyes. He looked lovingly at the baby girl he was holding, the one that would now become his daughter.

''Can we call her Mina?'' Taehyung asked, hopefully looking at his lover. ''After Jina?''

Jungkook nodded, the name suited her so well. He then turned his eyes to the tiny boy in his arms who wouldn't stay still. His tiny arms and legs were constantly moving around. He tried to turn his head rather clumsily as he was not fully in control of his body parts and his eyes wondered around the room in awe. He giggled at Taehyung and his sister who giggled back before he turned to Jungkook and gave him a toothless smile. The look of pure innocence and happiness brought tears to Jungkook's eyes.

''Minjae'' Jungkook whispered and the baby immediately started to giggle.

''He likes it'' Taehyung grinned and pressed his lips to Jungkook's cheek. ''And I do to''

The couple left the room with their baby hybrids in their arms but Jungkook stopped just in the doorway and looked back, a sad smile on his face, to say his last words to his friends before he let her go. Yet the words were not 'goodbye', they were much simpler but held so much more meaning,

''Thank you''


I'm so sorry, I didn't know what to write for this chapter.

There's only the epilogue left and then this book is finished. It was fun to write this and I'm a bit sad that is almost over.


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