Part 2

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Jungkook was expecting Taehyung to take him to a castle-like house that most rich people have but he was beyond surprised when he found out that the great Kim Taehyung lived like a normal, ordinary person in a house with three rooms and beautiful garden. Taehyung lived alone. No cook, no maid, no butler. Jungkook had to admit, the house was amazing. He was given a tour around the house before Taehyung led him upstairs into the attic that fortunately did not require climbing a ladder but stairs.

It wasn't cold, no. It was warm and the musky smell of books filled the room. The floorboards were polished and the walls were a light green. There were bookshelves, an empty desk, a desk with a computer and even a window seat enough for four people where you could calmly sit and read books or just relax.

Taehyungs office.

By the wall, there was a table which looked like a place for a meeting between 2 or 3 people. The sat down on chairs opposite eachother and Taehyung handed him a picture frame yet there was no picture. There was writing.


Jungkook glanced at Taehyung in confusion, his ears flattened against his head in annoyance. He huffed and placed the rules back down, without reading them.

''I am not reading or following any stupid rules!'' Jungkook snapped, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair.

''You will read them and you will follow them. If not, there will be... consequences'' Jungkook felt like a child being scolded by his parent from the way Taehyung spoke to him. Scared of what the consequences Taehyung just warned him about, Jungkook sighed in defeat and picked the frame up once more.

The background was white and the black writing was neat, obviously written by Taehyung himself.

I gave you a home so in return you must follow some rules

1. You are to call me Daddy.

2. Never look away when speaking to me.

3. You must be respectful.

4. NEVER distact me when I'm busy with work.

5. ALWAYS tell me if something is wrong.

6. You must not leave the house unless it's into the garden without my permission.

7. I must be informed immidietly when you are in heat.

8. You must not touch yourself.

9. If I tell you to do something, you must obey unless you are physically unable to do so.

10. Remember that I love you no matter how many times I tell you off.

Jungkook glared at Taehyung.

''I am not going to call you Daddy!''

''And why not?''

''Because it's cringy and what's even the point when i'm gonna be back in that shelter in 3 weeks!'' Jungkook slightly raised his voice.

''You are not going back there. You are going to stay with me'' Taehyung stated calmly, not wanting to fight with the younger on his first day.

''I don't want to!'' Jungkook argued, and Taehyung's patience was wearin' thin.

''Jungkook, you've only known me for a day. How can you be so sure that life with me will be so bad?'' The hybrid knew he had a point but his ego and pride did not let him admit that and back down.

''I've known you for a day and I already hate you!''

''Hate is a bit of a strong word, don't you think?''

''No. I will always hate you and I will never be submissive!'' Jungkook stood from the chair. Taehyung soon followed.

''We'll see about that sweetheart...'' He stated simply before leaving; he had a meeting to attend.

Butterflies were fluttering in Jungkook's stomach at the nickname. He hated that the man made him feel like this. It's been a while since he's felt like this.

Jungkook rushed to the window seat and peered out to see Taehyung get in his car and drive off. Was he really going to leave him after he bought him? Wasn't he supposed to stay with him for at least two days for him to fit in and be comfortable? His ears fell flat. What was he supposed to do now?

Should he stay in this room? He might get punished if he leaves. Jungkook hated his bunny traits. Why couldn't he be a different hybrid? Maybe a wolf! That would be cool! Or a lion or tiger! Hell, he'd even want to be a fox! But Jungkook would never want to be cat or dog. He wouldn't be special.

He would be ordinary and that was something the bunny hated.

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