Part 14

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It was bound to happen at some point, he knew that. He knew that this would happen. So why was he so upset?

Probably because last night they were in each others arms, making love with eachother. But Jungkook knew.

He was told about this from a young age. It was because he was a bunny hybrid. Yoongi went through the exact same thing as him. But that was before he met Hoseok. Jungkook has Taehyung. He was turning 20 tomorrow and he'd have to spend that time doing that. He really didn't want to but it's not like he had a choice.

It was a basically a law. Taehyung couldn't do anything about it and Jungkook would be taken away from him if he did and he'd end up with a massive fine.

He was going to have to leave for a week to basically be tortured. He didn't know why they couldn't do this another way like they do to humans but it was no use arguing with them. He'll just have to clench his teeth and get it over with.

But the morning he woke, on his 20th birthday, sobbing and clutching onto Taehyung as if he'd never see him again.

Taehyung was startled awake by the hysterical cries and felt his heart tear in two at the sight of his hybrid. It wasn't fair, he knew that but there was literally nothing he could do. He really wished he could.

''Hey, Kookie, baby~. It's going to be ok. You'll see, this week will fly back without you even realizing'' The older pulled the bunny into his chest and petted his ears that were flattened against his head sadly. ''Yoongi hyung said it wasn't that bad. It's best to do it now rather than get in trouble for not doing it. I promise you, baby, I will make it up to you when it's over and I will take you to a theme park and we can go on a vacation on my private island. How does that sound?''

Jungkook took deep breaths to calm his crying and nodded. All of that sounded wonderful but he wasn't sure he'll go through this without getting scarred one way or another.

He felt sorry for every hybrid that had to go through this and he especially feels sorry for the females.

This is literally treating them like animals as if they weren't part human at all.

Making them mate to create more rare hybrids was just cruel. It was inhumane.

Dread. That was the only feeling coursing through his while Taehyung drove him back to the shelter he first met him.

He watched the greens, browns, greys and blacks blur into one mix of colours to the point it hurt his eyes. He watched the hybrids that were out with their owners at every red light they stopped at and smiled softly as they smiled, laughed and had fun. They were so carefree either having already done this or not having to worry about it yet.

The shelter came into view all too soon causing Jungkook to panic and feel sick all over again. His breath came out in short pants as he was having trouble breathing. Taehyung's large hands enveloped his face and he said firmly, ''You will be ok. Nothing bad is going to happen. You aren't going to panic because this girl is probably panicking too and doesn't want this either. Take care of her and she'll take care of you. You could end up being friends with little Jungkookie's running around. You know that if she ends up with twins you get one each. If she has one kid then it's up to you''

Jungkook nodded, feeling ashamed. Obviously this girl was also going to be terrified. Besides, she's the one who's going to end up pregnant with a strangers child during her heat. He'll have to take care of her. He'll help her through it and make sure they don't hate it too much. Obviously since he's gay, the thought of putting his dick in a vagina sounded slightly revolting but there was no time to complain.

Male hybrids don't go into heat on their 20th birthday unlike females which is both good and bad. Good because Jungkook doesn't want to spend his heat with anyone other than Taehyung but bad because he won't be as desperate to mate and get rid of the pain that usually get's replaced with pleasure.

Ok. He was going to suck it up and get this over with.

However, all of his confidence went out of the window the moment they entered the building so he walked behind Taehyung, gripping onto the hem of his jacket.

''Ahh, Mr Kim, Jungkook! It's nice to see you again'' Mr Lee spoke. He looked at Jungkook, giving him a sad smile. ''I'm sorry you have to go through this, son. If I could change the law, I would. Come, let's get this done and over with'' He held out a hand to the hybrid.

A whimper fell out of his lips and his hands tightened their hold on Taehyung's denim jacket. The latter turned around and pulled Jungkook into his chest. He hated how Jungkook was shaking, so afraid yet he was unable to help. He tilted the others head up and kissed him gently but full of love.

Jungkook reluctantly grabbed Mr Lee's hand and looked back as he was being led away. He sent a flying kiss to Taehyung who playfully caught it and put in on his heart. He held his tears in as he was lead around a corner, Taehyung disappearing from view.

''Don't worry, son, she's a very nice bunny. I'm going to tell you now that she is also very scared and even tried running away so please help her and I'm sure everything will be easier. You don't have to do anything today, he had pills that will make sure her heat comes tomorrow so for now, try to be friends with her'' He patted the bunny's head, just like he used to do when he was younger.

Jungkook nodded his head in understanding and took a deep breath before opening the door of a certain room he always kept clear of when he lived here.


Sorry it's short, the next chapter will be fairly long though.


Who do you guys want the female to be? I'm planning for it to be Nayeon or Lisa. You can recommend anyone else I'll take it into consideration..

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