Part 10

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Jungkook gaped at Taehyung, not believing what he just heard.

''Why not!?'' It wasn't fair!

''Because i'm busy right now, Jungkook. We'll go to the park another day'' Taehyung gently pushed him away and turned back to his computer to type things that Jungkook couldn't care-less about.

''The park is literally across the street!'' Jungkook whined and shook Taehyungs sleeve. The elder sighed and took Jungkook's wrist, giving his a warning glare.

''I said no''

The bunny's ears flopped down and his shoulders drooped. He's been cooped up in this house for weeks! The garden isn't enough anymore. He was bored. And Taehyung was too busy to even watch a movie with him!

''I can't stay inside this house all the time, I NEED to go outside!'' He argued.

''You are going to stay in the house if you continue behaving like that'' Taehyung replied calmly, not looking away from his screen.

''Well what do you expect me to do!? I'm bored! I have been stuck in this house ever since you adopted me and it's started to feel more like a prison than a home!'' He regretted saying that the moment the words left his lips. Taehyung stopped typing and clenched his fists.

''Go to your room''


''Now Jungkook!'' The said hybrid flinched and ran out of Taehyung's office, tears welling up in his eyes. He could always just go back to the adoption center but that was too far.

He was 19 for gods sake! He could go out by himself.

Why shouldn't he?

The bunny threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, Taehyung's hoodie so it covered his collar and a beanie to hide his ears. It was uncomfortable but he could bare with it for at least 10 minutes.

He slowly opened the door, thanking the heavens that it didn't make a sound.

Jungkook took a breath of fresh air and smiled. It felt good to be free.

He looked like a normal teenager. Jeans, hoodie, beanie, timberland's. The young hybrid slowly made his way across the streets, looking both ways so that he wasn't hit by a car, and entered the empty park.

Why didn't anyone come here?

It was quite windy but Jungkook never really saw many people come into this park, except a few 10-15 year olds. It was probably a safe place for them, away from all the older people who thought they were better than everyone.

The play-park was also empty so he sat on one the swings and a smile took over his face. He felt so free. It was amazing! It wasn't fair that he had to have a master who'd control him all his life and that'd he have to get permission to be able to go out.

He let his thoughts wonder until they came back to his brother and he frowned.

Did he have a master?

Was he at some adoption center all by himself?

Was he happy?

Did he forget about him?

Yoongi Hyung where are you?

He was so much deep in thought he didn't realize it was getting late. He gasped and hit his head against a tree. Taehyung was gonna kill him. Not only did he sneak out, he broke a rule. He broke two. He disrespected Taehyung and left the house without his permission.

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