"Why kill her? What's the whole point of this?"

"I'm not sure. I don't ask questions, just do what I'm asked if I want part of the agreement."

"How did you know about Mason? Why did you fake being his mate?"

She turns her attention towards me, meeting my gaze head on. "I so happened to find out that you were his sister and that he hadn't found his mate yet. I concluded sooner or later he would meet with you again and why not see you in person as his mate."

"I had a witch cloak what I was really was and fake that I was his mate."

The sharp intake of breath came from none other than Mason as he sharply looks away, taking a step back as if the information hit him physically. Samantha stood next to him, her fingers trembling with the need to touch him and comfort him yet her face said she wasn't he wanted to feel anything after being lied to.

"What was part of the agreement?" Elijah asked this time.

There was a glint in her eye. "Many others are having a trouble adjusting to drinking blood, so the government our attention with a deal if we kill all halflings we won't have to drink animal blood anymore."

She laughs, "You guys are in for a ride for what they have in store."

"So you're telling me," I start, strong anger coursing through my veins that I was sure that Xaiver felt. "that you guys kill is because you motherfückers aRE HUNGRY!?" I explode.

My body began to heat up, my nails tingling and eyes throbbing. "My cousin is dead because you guys were hungry. My MOTHER is gone because you guys couldn't be problem solvers, NOAH, the one who jumped in front of me to take that arrow is gone because you dumbâsses couldn't survive without blood though you all are immortal and nothing can kill you."

Eleanor's eyes harden as she stares, "That was his fault—" she didn't finish her sentence as I was in front of her in the blink, my foot connecting with her face in a sickening crunch.

She tobbles back as blood gushes from her nose and split lip, before I could pounce on her, arms wrap around me while pinning my own against my side, lifting me in the air and away from her.

"Put me down! She deserves everything I have, she is the cause of my pain!"

He walks with me kicking and shouting around the house that leads to the forest, I wiggle in his hold, trying to brake his arms from around me but he only tightens his hold grunting with every attack I rained down on him.

"Xavier!!" I cry out, eyes burning, having trouble breathing. "She killed Noah! She's the one that killed Noah!!"

I go limp in his arms, wailing into the air for all to hear, sobs shattering from my chest as the endless flow of tears fall down my cheeks and splash into the snow below. I could feel Xavier's emotions as they mingle with mine, him feeling his heart ache from my emotions, he stops and settles down on a root of a tree that was growing out of the ground.

"Abigail. . ." he whisper, holding me tightly to his chest.

"It's not fair," I cry, opening my eyes a bit, tears clouding my vision. "Why?"

My chest felt heavy once again, weighing me down and sinking back into he dark abyss below.

"You can't kill her. It won't do you any justice." every word is felt against my shoulder.

He's right, killing her won't do anything, it'll only mark me as a murderer but I didn't want to believe it. She deserved to die, maybe more, maybe suffer like I've had for the past days.

"But she—"

"No!" he grabs my chin and turns my face to look him in the eyes, I could see his eyes were filled with his own tears, my emotions getting the best of him. "Killing her won't bring him back, you have to accept it, he's gone."

"You're better than this."

My lips tremble and I'm crying all over again, choking on tears and letting out everything that's consumed me from the moment I got out of the car and stepped foot inot moonbrooke.

"I love you, Abigail." he tells me wholeheartedly, squeezing me tighter with his hand on the back of my head.

"I love you too." I respond when I couldn't cry anymore, throat parched and dry coming out scratchy.

He was right. I'm better than this, thinking that taking another life will bring back another and set everything right, killing her will loosen the pain that sits comfortably in my chest but actually worsen it. Maybe, just, maybe I can look back on this and be glad that I hadn't done anything drastic and learn to. . . live with everything.

~ ✎ ~ ✎ ~

This is it. The last chapter of "Furry Humans" and I can say that this has been one heck of a story and ride 😂 I'm so glad you guys even decided to even read this story and it makes me happy that you all have enjoyed it, I'm sad to part with it, I've watched this book grow from a baby to a badass adult.

All those late and sleepless nights have paid off.



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