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Their "dating" and "interacting as lovers" was going along smoothly until Winter. When Karma begun being distant. Too distant.

Losing in the progress of this Christmas, New Years and consequently their birthdays too, in which only a single Happy Birthday was messaged by both.

Of course that was attributed to Karma learning of Koro-sensei's real situation. Like everyone in the E Class he was a bit lost as to what he should do.

Gakushuu had no knowledge of the situation though and he didn't understand what was wrong with the red head.

The winter vacation that he was looking so forward to as a way to pass time with his "lover" was destroyed as Karma replied to his messages with minimum words and declined any date offer.

Was he being hated? Did he do something? Once he gave it a go at asking him but he only replied with a simple...

"Eh? Hate you? No way! I love you ofc!"

He wasn't being persuasive but Asano believed that his words were real. Meaning something was wrong with Karma himself. He made an effort and asked Nagisa about it. Having received his contact info from Karma in case he couldn't find the red head.

Nagisa seemed to be down too, although Asano could not be sure about it. But he was sure Nagisa knew something. And the short boy didn't hide it either.

"I am sorry for that Asano-kun. Give him some time. He has a lot of things to think about now. I am sure it has nothing to do with your relationship."

After winter vacation Karma became more approachable again. He would reply to messages wholeheartedly but he still wouldn't meet up with the blond. Asano decided to attribute that to entrance exams and let it slide. Karma was grateful for that.

Karma on his part felt a bit bad, leaving Asano alone and neglecting him but now, more than ever, he wanted to pass as much time as he could with Koro-sensei and Class E.

Karma was aiming for Kunugigaoka high school anyway so Asano could wait until April. Now he wanted to savour as much as he could from this assassination classroom.

Valentine's day wasn't an exception. He hadn't hinted at it at all in his messages and he knew Asano too well to expect chocolate from him.

Well guess what? He did get chocolate. Asano waited for him, till he walked down the mountain. Karma was more than surprised because, objectively speaking, he was late at coming down, having fun with teasing Nagisa and everyone it had gotten quite late. And it was cold. But Gakushuu waited for him there, resting his back on a tree having taken out a book to study as he awaited. Probably for hours already.


"Karma... I... ehm.... I wanted to talk to you...."

"What is it?" Karma asked with guilt in his eyes.

"I... I am sure there's a reason you are passing so much time in class.... and I am sure someday you will tell me all about it so... I will wait for you!" Asano said with a fleeting voice and handed him a small packet of chocolate. It was handmade. And it didn't look very beautiful at that but Karma accepted it gladly and took a piece of it, eating it, savouring the taste and feeling the warmth that both the chocolate and Gakushuu's voice contained.

Karma smiled at him widely, "It's delicious!", he said happily.

Seeing the pure smile of relief splattered on Gakushuu's face, he let his lips reach the other's in a short kiss.

The blond's lips were cold, heck they were freezing. Karma only now did realise for how long he must have awaited here. He was going to go straight back home but he thought it would be okay to finally pay some proper attention to his lover after 2-3 long months.

"Shuu~ Thank you so much! For the chocolate and your patience. I swear, everything will be over on March 13th ! We can even go on a trip, just the two of us, after that! I will tell you everything then." The older boy smiled again and took the other's hands in his.

"Yeah... I will wait."

"That's a good child! But I have nothing else to do today, hmm~~ My parents are away again so... how about it?" Karma grinned and winked to the other who realised immediately what the red head proposed and flushed into a bright red color.

"I... am free too..."

"Shall we go?"


That was also their make out session in a while now and also the last time they would do something of the short before graduation middleschool.

Gakushuu slept over, forgetting even to contact his father of it. Said father had already inserted a transmitter on his son's phone and upon seeing he was over to Akabane's home he sighed and let it slide.

After that the two kept exchanging messages every once in a while. Nothing changed.

And believe me, Asano was patient enough to wait even more than just until March 13th. If only not for his curiosity. But he waited and didn't disturb the redhead but only messaged him about nonchalant things.

He had become kinda isolated again, taking advantage of the short free time he had that he would have given to Karma to play some games and watch some animes. Not randomly though. He only went through the anime and games he had learnt Karma liked. And he wanted to have lots of things to discuss about with him after March 13th...

And no he wouldn't have bothered the other until that date at all if only not for what happened around 2 weeks before said date...

When suddenly the media was fulled to the brim with images of a yellow octopus-like creature that was acting as a teacher, threatening his students....

Said students being Class E, in which Karma was a part of.

To be continued....
I have a lot of things to say so here I go. First, this is 1k words wow!
Second, normally this should have been posted last Monday but I had in mind updating it 2 times per month but last month had 5 mondays so I let last monday slide.
Third and most important, next chapter will be the last chapter! Because honestly I am tired of having so many fanfics to update and I am ending them all one by one (As I have stated a lot I don't drop stories so) and I finally decided how this story should end!

So with this and with that thanks to everyone who's followed so far and I hope to have you all again in 2 weeks on monday for the final chapter!

For one last time see ya then~~

Akabane Karma x Asano GakushuuWhere stories live. Discover now