Gakushuu broke

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"Seeing that you have moved on that much, we should make some things clear...."

Both boys had concentrated on the director. Gulping loudly awaiting his next words.

"....First. You should always take the needed protections. And you shouldn't have sex if not both of you aren't in the mood. Moreover, this relationship of yours should stay a secret from people you don't trust so it won't be used against you.................................................Also you shouldn't forget to take baths before you do anything. And don't kiss when one of you is sick."

After around 30 minutes of lecturing both boys were glancing at each other wondering now if the director was in his right mind.....

"And lastly. Akabane Karma-kun."


"Seems like you are the one topping so I will have to warn you. Be careful not to hurt Asano-kun."

His fake smile was so scary, Karma was getting goosebumps...

"D-director! What are you saying!? I am telling you it's not like that!"

"Asano-kun. Losing your composure like this is against what I have taught you. Always act like a gentleman. Or a high-society woman at least."

That touched a nerve. Karma noted to himself as he saw Gakushuu clenching his hand.

"Yes father...."

Ah...he obeyed anyway.... That must be really hard for him....

"Uum. Director. Can I ask something?"

"Go ahead, Akabane-kun."

"Does that mean I can date with Asano-kun?"


And that was as much as Gakushuu's calm mind kept control. Losing all self control he got up from the sofa and moved over to Karma to strangle him.

Both the director and Karma were surprised.

Karma got scared for a second but as soon as Gakushuu got up on his two feet, he fell right back down. Why? Well he still hurt.

Then he started cursing at Karma.

Probably having forgotten his father was there too.

"You should follow my advice so this won't happen again Akabane-kun."

The director said as calm as possible.

"Yes sir!" Karma saluted.


Well Gakushuu had more or less lost all common sense he had at that point and just wished a ghost would appear and clear up this misunderstanding or something!

The thing is, although he didn't know, that exactly happened.

Soon his eyes were covered by something slimy.

He screamed a bit asking what it was, but his whole body was stabilised.

"Oh! If it isn't Koro-sensei."

Both Karma and the director said at the same time.

"Koro-sensei? Who's that?"

Gakushuu tried yet again removing the slimy thing from his eyes but in vain.

"I am happy to say you are still alive Karma-kun. And nice to see you too, director. I am sorry for the problems my student caused."

"Student? What? Oi what's going on!? Can someone explain!?"

Gakushuu asked yet again but no answer came.

"Director you have no intention of telling him?"

"Nope. So I would appreciate it if you continued covering his eyes like that."

"I understand, mister director."

"????" (Gakushuu was listening trying to recognize the voice but to no avail)

"I feel kinda sorry for him. I mean he is your son right? Isn't it okay to tell him?"

Karma asked out of curiosity and pity for Gakushuu's way of life.

"No. He will learn only if this things reaches the end."


To be continued......
That day Asano Gakushuu was broken. XD Yeah I like bullying my ukes, leave me alone~
I really have no idea how things became like this..... I swear when I started the chapter I had no idea this would happen..... WHAT ARE YOU WRITING, MY FINGERS!?

And this is how the first chapter of 2017 is~ Oh gosh this is gonna be a crazy year xD

Anyway see ya next month~

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