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I kept telling myself that maybe he wasn't going to tell me he had a girlfriend. Maybe he wanted to tell me that he had found something funny and he wanted to show me.

Or...maybe something happened and he was excited to tell me...

I sighed, or maybe he was going to tell me he had a girlfriend, maybe he wanted to tell me that we had to end the kissing thing. Even if I didn't want to, I had to.

I moved my eyes from the teacher to the clock behind her and pursed my lips. Five more minutes and lunch break will be a thing. I had to run from Jungkook, if he didn't find me, he couldn't tell me he had a girlfriend. It was childish, but my heart didn't want to go through that.

I started to close my notebook and my pencil case, so I was faster than him. The bell rang and I stood up, walking to the door. When I was outside, I ran to my locker and threw the things inside, picking my sandwich and running to the rooftop so he wouldn't find me. I sighed when I reached the last floor, I was beyond tired but at least I wasn't near Jungkook. My heart thanked me that.

I opened the door and walked towards one bench to eat. It was really sad eating alone, but I didn't care as long as I made a plan. I didn't want Jungkook to know I liked him -maybe more- so I had to make a plan to pretend I was fine with him having someone in his life already.

"Listen, Jungkook... I wanted to tell you that I didn't want to kiss you..." I shook my head. "Of course he knows I wanted to kiss him" I sighed and bit my sandwich. "It was just a kiss..." I mumbled but it sounded so wrong.

I closed my eyes and pulled my head backwards, trying to clear my mind. I wanted to make sure Jungkook didn't feel bad for what we did. If I had a boyfriend and did what I did with Jungkook... I shivered, I would be panicking everywhere. I took a deep breath and finished my sandwich, still thinking what to do. Maybe I could tell him that it was good kissing him, but that it was a mistake. He would agree because of his girlfriend, of course. It hurt me, but I couldn't do anything.

I stood up and walked to the door. I was walking towards my locker when I heard my name.

"Y/n" I turned around and saw Jungkook running.

"What?" I asked worried when I saw his expression. Did something happen?

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you all lunch break" he breathed hard and leaned on the lockers. I pursed my lips.

"I was eating" I whispered feeling guilty. "I'm sorry" I said caressing his back to calm him.

"Don't do it again" he said and I nodded.

"Yeah, captain" he laughed and hugged me. "I'm sorry" I closed my eyes and he tightened the hug.

"I thought you were mad or something" he whispered and it sent shivers through all my body.

I chuckled and stroke his hair with care. I would like this moment to last forever, but of course the bell rang and we had to go to class again. He pulled away slowly and after looking around, he leaned down to kiss me. I lifted my head and kissed him back. That was what I was needing. I needed his lips to make me feel better, but it couldn't last longer. He had her. I tried to pull away, but he hugged me.

"More" he whispered and I melted in his arms.

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him deeper, I wanted our last kiss to be memorable so I could think of it whenever I missed him.

I moaned when he sucked my tongue and then I pulled away.

"We should go" I was saying, but he kissed me again.

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