fathers talk

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Four days since their 'date' Tylers minds been on what Mike had said to him that day do I take a chance do I leave it and do what I have been pretend to forget about it... But I can't.... Not when your in love with that girl Tyler sighed.

Alright Tyler? Alex asked sitting next to him on the sofa him and Finn watching tv Tylers sigh was quite loud

Ugh yeah....just thinking

Oh no gotta be serious then Ryan smirked walking in

"Funny Ryan not"

Alex says what's up

Just some advice Mike gave me but he gave me two different advices and I don't know which to follow

"Follow the one you believe is the right one for you" Alex says

"But what if I mess it up" Tyler expressed

"Least you took a chance" Alex shared.

With Jody

It had to be amazing right so did you tell him how you felt? Candi quizzed

"No off course not everytime I try something stops me or I get dragged down...he doesn't feel the same way. He took me on the 'date' to cheer me up after Brandon"

"Is that what he said?" Sasha urged more answers

"....look I'm not gonna try and make something big out of this if it's not"

"Do you think it is something big?" Sasha questions.

Jody nods slowly "that's why I don't want to create false hope"

Kids! May li calls them down.

They all head to the living room and are shown at least 7 baby dolls

"Oh no" everyone groans

"We thought you were just saying it may li" Sasha comments

"we actually have to do this?"Ryan moaned

"Yes you all said you'd help me plus it will be good practice"

"Everyone pick a partner and a baby pairs who don't give up I have a special surprise for you " they all immediately grab one

Candi turned to bird "want to be my partner?"

Bird smiled "okay course"

Charlie goes with alex

Chloe and Finn

Floss and jay

"How come Taz and Joseph don't need to?"

"They have a school play to prepare for" may li shared

"But may li I already done this" Jody says

"Then you'll be a pro at doing it a second time round this time think of it as your not a single parent" may li smiles

Okay you four choose your partner

"Jody?" Tyler asked

"Tyler?" Jody smiled

Ryan and Sasha turned to eachother "we quit already"

"Come on guys try" may li convinced

How long for?

"Four days max"

"Four days!"

Jody looks at Tyler "so boy or girl?"

"Well you had a boy before you want to try a girl I'm interested to see names to go with Cory" Tyler smirked

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