Batman And Robin

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It had been a few hours since the boys had secretly learnt about jodys second date with Brandon thankfully it was a double date. Now tyler had this plan truly set after Ryan wanted to be sure Tyler knew the risks which Tyler didn't care for the risks.

The two were now in the attic

"Firstly, you need to get a date someone who is willing to play girlfriend" Ryan instructed and won't mind making jody jealous

"You really think jody will be jealous"

All girls get jealous Tyler Ryan assured him even if it's deep down but you have to really watch them to see the signs they may sabatage in their own way tell you not to do something that means getting close to someone pretty much telling you"

Tyler thought back a moment "so that's what she was about Sophie Tyler grins wider she was jealous of Sophie"

Just like your jealous of Brandon


"I'm on your side mate" Ryan promised

How do I know you ain't just doing this for your own selfish reasons

"I admit at first I was trying to you and Jody but, only because ever since you started hanging round with me it felt nice to feel I finally had a friend here. Then, when you and Jody made up and started being your old selves again I worried about where that left me now this is better I get to help you with this plan!" Ryan expressed.

"Hmm okay... Well none of the girls here would even agree to this to loyal to jody" Tyler informed

Could always say floss just give her a big chocolate bar and she would" Ryan chuckled 

"Funny no..." Alex had walked in neither noticed him just yet

"then who's gonna be it?"

"I don't know!"

"What are you two up too?" Alex broke in walking over and standing next to Ryan

"It's got nothing to do with you so leave!"

"Okay but I'll just let jody know that you two are planning something and she can get it out of ya" Alex threatened

"No!! Okay fine jodys got another date with brandon"

"Oh right..."

"And Tyler wants to find a date so he can stop any kissing between them"

So your jealous

Not jealous protective of jody

And you've had feelings for her since before I showed up

"And I've watched them grow" Ryan adds

Not helping

"So you going to do all this and then when jody finds out they'll be a big argument and yet again you won't be talking" Alex comments

Tyler looked at Ryan this why you really helping

"Look I told you I like you and Jody together just being part of this plan good for me" Ryan defends.

"So you gonna tell her" Tyler asked Alex

"... You know what they say the girls are gonna stick together so your gonna need the lads on your side even if you are an idiot" Alex answered.

"Hey!" Tyler called out.

"Yeah bros before" Ryan began.

"Hey the girls aren't" Tyler defiantly stops Ryan.

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