Home And Safe

357 11 4

Three days later

Hey Tyler can I borrow money for the bus?

How come?

TY look this is important okay can I please

"Alright but you owe me"

"I owe you £3" jody agreed then heads down the stairs Charlie can I borrow your bag please I don't really have bags of my own" jody informed.

"Okay but, please be careful don't lose it's one of my favourites"

Jody quickly grabbed it "thank you" she calls.

Jody where are you going

Just got to pop to library and hand my books back in Mike they are due back today

Alright but I want to talk to you when you get back about what you maybe want to look at doing career wise so I can work with you social worker and we can help and guide you into spots.

"Erm uh yeah bye"

20 minutes later

Jody knocks at her mums

Hey mum

Ahh good your here grant will be here in a couple of minutes... What are you wearing!

"My clothes" jody frowned

Oh no you are not going out dressed as a scruffy homeless kid no no I have a nice blouse you can wear that!

Eww your so old... Old fashioned

"It's still better than what you've got on" Denise declared.

Denise showed her upstairs and gives her the black blouse


"Just put it on" (knock at the door) "that's him hurry up" Denise hurried along as she left the room.

Jody looked at the reflection in the mirror "you look like a scruffy homeless kid" played in her head

"Still the same with her" (what and you want to be all alone) "no" (suck it up jody) she quickly puts on the blouse eww no way jody goes through her mums closet quickly "this will do" jody took out the green shirt a purple tank top she quickly changed and leaves the shirt unbuttoned then heads nervously down the staircase.

Ahh there she is finally ready

"You look wonderful jody just like your mum" grant comments

Thanks (you have no idea this is my mum's clothes well apart from the jeans there is noway I'm wearing that skirt)

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Thanks (you have no idea this is my mum's clothes well apart from the jeans there is noway I'm wearing that skirt)

"So shall we head to town" Denise plans

They head to grants car.

Jody nods um grant can I ask you a favour can you drop me off at the library after I need to hand a book back" jody admits

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