School World See What I See

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4 weeks later. 17th Jan

once they all returned to school after the holidays jody had made it her mission to change how everyone acted with eachother during school hours Carmen and Tee were older and off course hung out with kids there age for Carmen felt if the two hung round with younger kids that would ruin the image. Which they brought sasha into that clique with two other girls. The only time they hung out with each other was when jody helped Carmen and Tee and sasha decorate the hall for the school winter dance last year.

Every morning everyone would leave the house and when they got to the school gates say see ya later and go there separate ways jody found she was the lucky one cause no matter who or where the others ended up with she always had Tyler.

Jody ached in rage that if Tyler didn't answer her she would definitely make him wish he had

"What's up?" he asked her as they walked through the school to the locker they both shared (that way it was cheaper)

"Just the people we live with have annoyed me much more than normal this morning!!!" jody declared banging her bag into the locker next to there's

"You know I'm surprised Logan hasn't given you a earful the amount of times you slam his locker and dent it more and more"  Tyler chuckled

Jody rolled her eyes at him and tutted

(oh god better say something helpful before she kills me with the next glare) so one I'm on the list of people not annoying you more than usual and two how come we just left them

I dunno about the first one now but just how noone talks to eachother i mean I get it we are Care kids it's not  best thing to have on your back and we do want our own space but these lot actually just want to pretend everyone's invisible

"Have you drunk anything today you go abit mad if you don't have something to wake you up I'll go grab two hot chocolates from the canteen" Tyler decided

"Just look around today okay see what I see regularly here Ty" jody pleads

Tyler nods "there's Logan..." Tyler smirked then left quickly "wait don't you dare!... Hey Logan"

Tyler headed to the cafe quickly he saw Tee in front with sasha

"Ah queen bee wants her coffee I see"

Carmen really wants Katie to acknowledge us this year and really show her that although we are carekids we have the rights to be treated like everyone else it is our last year of school after all

"But.... She is Katie let's Carmen and you sit at the table at lunch with her and how many party's did she invite you both two last year" Tyler recalled

Yeah but I don't like leaving sash out Tee whispered the only time sash has been aloud to sit or go anywhere near us is well...

"Coffee girl"

Oh and when jody slipped and her pizza whacked Katie in the face last week sasha laughed Tyler had to join her

"It was an accident"

Yeah but then jody saying at least it was your face and not that nice pink jacket of hers sasha recalled cause of that I got to hang out with Tee and Carmen properly like before" sasha grinned

Hey girls come on Katie's waiting

So..... Faking sashas age then?" Tyler thought back to jody and his conversation about this situation a couple of days ago and he agreed with her.

Shut up Tyler you don't understand

"I do.... You want to be remembered but you ain't going to be remembered like this" Tyler says he then sneakily took the two hot chocolates that sasha and Tee had made grabbed a handful of sugars and left the girls alone to whisper 5hey didn't realise the hot chocolates had gone until Tyler had paid for them brought jody a small pack of chocolate biscuits and left the canteen

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