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Three weeks since mikes job was reinstated

Jody and Tyler had taken over the TV with the new ps3

Tyler get him get him Tyler jody yelled out invested in the game

Well your okay your on the apron

"Let me in then and I'll get that stacy doll" jody tells him

Hey guys you know your in a house with alot of other people in this house not just  you too Mai Lee informed them as she entered the zone.

"Sorry... Ahaha I got him Tyler cheers"

Woooo about time

"Oi look at me go just remember we've only had this ps3 for two days and you weren't perfect at first" Tyler recalls to jody as he pauses the game

"Sorry" jody softly remarks

"Now do you want me to tag you in so you can get the barbie doll" Tyler plans

"Yes please" jody smiles as the two continue playing may Li chuckles then leaves

4 minutes later

"And stunner on ya barbie" jody says

"And super kick to Cena" Tyler adds

1! 2! 3!!!

"Yes take that superman and barbie"

"Yeah he's my real superhero!" Jody froze

Tyler glances at her connecting their eyes

I... In the game you did save me from superman

"Yeah well... I'd never let anyone put their hands on you both in the game and real life" Tyler confessed jody was speechless even more

Jody's eyes glistened as she stairs up at Tyler

Ryan interrupts "you two done yet you've been playing all morning and I want to play trial fusion with Bailey"

"Hey I thought it was football?" Bailey thought

"Nope it's my choice mate"

"You guys don't want to play another game"Bailey wondered

"Don't you want to change your grapple moves" Tyler recalls

"Umm nah your okay" jody says and quickly gets up from The sofa "Im gonna go see what Carmen and tee are up to" jody quickly leaves

"Huh what did you say to her" Bailey wondered as he turns and sat with Tyler on the sofa

"Nothing! Im not sure really" Tyler panicked and turns back to the game

"Anything happen between ya" Bailey turns and whispered to Tyler

"What no she's my best friend Man.. Jodes just doesn't like to show her feelings" now Bailey was intrigued

"Why what did she say?" Bailey wondered

"Nothing big for her to overreact just that she said I was her superhero" Tyler shrugged

"Eww everyone prefers the bad boy" Ryan comments

"Shut up Ryan!" Bailey rolled his eyes "ignore him and shes your best friend course she's going to say your her hero"

Well the way you put it across now makes me stuck

"No I just" Ryan cuts Bailey off

"But there's a difference between a best friend comment and someone saying they are that person's hero" Ryan comments Harry floss and sasha enter the room sasha sits on the end of the sofa as Harry and floss came in with the top trump cards and sat at the mini table.

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