Cupid Rose

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4 weeks since Bailey left Ryan once again made himself everyone's number one enemy after trying to stir trouble when he misheard someone was leaving (for a funfair trip)

Just two weeks later candi rose arrived

Jody didn't know what to make of her at first but Tyler shrugged "seems harmless and its nice to see chloe happy" Tyler smiles which jody returns.

Yeah your right" jody comments.

"Ahh you feeling okay?" Tyler playfully asks

"Shut up Ty" jody laughs candi and chloe exited the living room after the karaoke candi froze and glanced at the pair "awww they are so cute"

Chloe nods "they are very cute but, don't say that in front of jody she'll make you eat the words they and cute" chloe advised

Well I guess I can fangirl over them secretly" candi squealed.

"It's what we all do... Well except Ryan... And dexter dexter doesn't really get that" chloe thought up

"Well I'm sure Ryan secretly ships them" candi hummed

Let's get you settled In and unpacked.

Just two days later valentines day

The twins floss chloe and candi rose in the kitchen

Toni showing them the valentines card she received

To Toni
Be my valentine
Tommy x

"awww" the girls sang

"that is so sweet" candi rose commented gleefully jody Tyler and Sasha all entered the kitchen grabbing breakfast Tyler grabbed the bread as jody sorted the toaster then put two slices in

Oh please i don't want any toast either" sasha explaimed sarcastically. Both snicker

"Don't worry sash Tyler will give his one up for you" jody laughs playfully nudging him. Candi rose looked up from the group and shines a glowing smile at the pair.

"I got two more than you" floss gloated

"Yeah but don't you think it's better to get just one because then it can be seen as genuine liking you" Toni and Billie express in union

Sasha walks over to them

"Not always" sasha says to them "I thought that once about a boy turns out wasn't as it seemed" she revealed

"Then how can you trust if its genuine" chloe wondered

as they thought they heard something they rarely heard jodys laugh

"Quick sasha take the toast" jody snickers as she ran over with the plate as Tyler chased after her sasha grabs it

Well fine let her keep it but plain toast very boring" Tyler laughed but theres a free one

"No that's mine!!" the girls at the table turns they all turn to watch the pair and silently laugh within themselves

Tyler grabs the jam and spreads it on the toast about to take a bite

"Thank you for doing that for me" jody expressed fondly

"Whatever" Tyler grins and turns back to the toaster as jody joined the girls at the table

"What are you guys on about"

I got a valentine card from Tommy floss said its better if "you get more me and Toni thought it's better to get that one card from the pressing because it means they like you which sasha informed not so much what do you think jody" the girls ask

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