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The sun was shining brightly down on the tightly packed rooftops of London, the phenomenon such a seldom occurrence in the United Kingdom that citizens and tourists alike were in either pleasant disbelief or suppressed annoyance in the face of the country's newly adopted climate. Regardless of which stance was taken on the matter, everybody continued about their daily business as usual. People went to work with take-away coffee in hand, disgruntled parents struggled, but to no avail to escort their children away from ever enticing toy shops, and a blue telephone box suddenly materialised out of thin air, then lay dormant on a small alleyway corner, humming ever so slightly. The latter happening was just slightly out of the ordinary; less common than the former sights but, interestingly enough, happened more often than the sun deciding to grace Britain with its presence on a Monday morning.

The door of what was labelled 'Police Box' suddenly swung inward to reveal a man's head, ruffled brown hair sticking up in every which way, and dark eyes observing closely as he seemed to attempt to get his bearings. As the door swung wider still, the rest of his body followed, one hand lazily closing the door gently shut behind him. He wore a blue suit mostly covered by a long brown coat, trailing somewhere about his knees. His red canvas shoes scuffed the gravel pavement as he stepped forward into the street. Before leaving however, he turned and gave the wooden box he had just emerged from what he thought might be an affectionate pat, before turning on his heel, running a hand through his messy hair and striding purposefully towards the main street, hands shoved deep in his pockets. The Police Box purred slightly, waiting for her master to return, as he always did.

The Doctor stood in the middle of the pavement, jostled slightly by the small crowd as he peered interestedly into a local fish and chips joint. Humans are such an amazingly simple race, he mused, and perhaps that might be one of the reasons why he was attracted to this planet so. The Doctor was suddenly jolted from his thoughts and he stumbled backwards slightly as a shoulder bumped against his.

"Sorry man, didn't see ya there." Following the voice to the face it belonged to, The Doctor locked eyes with a man, maybe in his twenties, with soft green-brown eyes and wearing a large brown leather jacket, the collar turned up against his neck. Eyes darting to the left, it also appeared that the man had a partner with him, slightly younger but taller, and with longer hair, a jacket covering a blue plaid shirt. Realising suddenly that he had been staring, The Doctor jumped and shook himself out of inspecting the pair in front of him.

"Oh, that's alright, no trouble at all. It was my fault really, I am terribly clumsy." He rambled, beaming, oblivious to the strange look he was getting from the two. Rather than leaving it at that, the man's eyes narrowed, and he took a tentative step closer.

"Do I... know you from somewhere?" he enquired, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The Doctor flashed another winning smile and scratched his ear thoughtfully.

"I shouldn't think so, though I have met my fair share of...you lot...so forgive me if you've slipped my mind." The Doctor's dark eyes flitted to the second man, who had stridden up to the first, urgently tugging the sleeve of his coat and worrying his bottom lip with his teeth.

"Dean-come on man, we don't have time for this," the younger clutched at a leather-bound notebook as if his life depended on it and gestured to what seemed to be their car; a jet-black Chevrolet Impala. The man named Dean shook himself before turning his attention to his younger brother.

"Yeah, right, of course," he mumbled, turning away from The Doctor without a parting word. "Please tell me you've got something good, Sammy, or by God I just might bend over and let Lucifer kiss my ass already." His voice trailed off as they headed to the car. The Doctor blinked. The quirks of humans had always amused him, but this sounded just strange enough to be classified as different. The smile that had just before lit his features had vanished, replaced instead by a look of serious confusion. Trying to be as discreet as possible, The Doctor sidled up to the sleek black car as the two boys were getting in, as though to casually walk past it. His sonic screwdriver whirred quietly under his trench coat as he aimed it at the vehicle as he kept walking. Behind him, The Doctor heard the engine roar to life before fading away to a distant hum. He turned on his heel off the main road, and began to double his pace toward where he had come, back to the blue box he had arrived in. He had some research to do.

WhoNautral - 10th Doctor/Supernaturalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें