13. cute-annoying

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yoongi: hey

holly's toilet: yeah?

yoongi: how are you?

holly's toilet: why suddenly so soft?

yoongi: it's not that hard to answer me, y'know?

holly's toilet: >:l bij

holly's toilet: im not complaining

holly's toilet: im good wby?

yoongi: same

yoongi: sorry for what i texted to you before

yoongi: i'm just mad because you gave him my number

holly's toilet: its alright lets get over it, hyung <3

holly's toilet: u have the reason to be mad

holly's toilet: so hry and him? ;>

yoongi: well, i don't wanna say much but we're good (?)

holly's toilet: ooh tell me about

yoongi: he's really annoying

yoongi: but i'm getting the hang of it

holly's toilet: ooh is it annoying-annoying or..?

yoongi: cute-annoying

holly's toilet: got it.

holly's toilet: WAIT

holly's toilet: cute and annoying?

yoongi: yeah

holly's toilet: "CUTE"

holly's toilet: and annoying?

yoongi: did i make a mistake?

holly's toilet: YES

holly's toilet: absolutely

yoongi: i'm pretty sure that's what i texted you

holly's toilet: normally, u block mfs that u find annoying

holly's toilet: wth

yoongi: if i was, i'd already block you

holly's toilet: (⁠ ⁠ꈍ▽⁠ꈍ⁠)

holly's toilet: mehehe, u have high tolerance to me

yoongi: remember i still thought of blocking you

holly's toilet: ur threats aint working to me anymore ;b

yoongi: i guess i do have tolerance to people who gets in my nerves

holly's toilet: I GET IN UR NERVES?

yoongi: all the time

holly's toilet: damn

holly's toilet: im sorry..?

yoongi: dw it's in the past

yoongi: i'm used to you now

holly's toilet: aw hyung, ilysm <333

holly's toilet: wanna hangout later?

yoongi: can't, i'm busy

holly's toilet: with what?

yoongi: sleeping

holly's toilet: SMH

holly's toilet: ofc u are

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