34. attention

36 4 0

kookie: hey


kookie: imy

yoongi: what do you want?

kookie: dam

kookie: no imy2?

yoongi: it's not even been a day

kookie: yet it felt like years

yoongi: you're so clingy

kookie: im not denying that

kookie: give me attention

kookie: i demand ur attention

yoongi: cute

yoongi: being needy and all

kookie: yes tyty so provide my current needs rn

yoongi: yet so cringe

kookie: -__-

kookie: btw u got home safely?

yoongi: well, i'm still texting you. am i?

kookie: u r such a bich

yoongi: thanks, i grew up with my mom

kookie: i also grew up with my mom???

yoongi: it's MY mom we're talking about

kookie: pfft

yoongi: what are you doing?

kookie: nothing

kookie: i did my homeworks

kookie: im chillin

kookie: wana hangout?

yoongi: jungkook it hasn't been a day

kookie: cmooooon

kookie: does that even matter?

kookie: did we agree on having a gap? no

yoongi: still no

kookie: ugh fine

kookie: then can i visit u whenever?

yoongi: absolutely not

yoongi: my mom will not just kill me, she'll also kill you

kookie: sheeeeesh

kookie: double homicide

kookie: no way

kookie: thats crazy

yoongi: my mom is indeed crazy

yoongi: sometimes i wonder why i'm still alive

kookie: nah dont scare me

kookie: ik meeting my bb cakes sugar cream lil snookum's mom aren't that bad

yoongi: jungkook, you cannot go to my place

kookie: that felt like u r rejecting me already

yoongi: you're so dramatic

kookie: now that u mention it

kookie: i did drama class back in highschool

yoongi: look at this cocky bastard flexing|erased

yoongi: interesting

kookie: we should def hangout coz im willing to show u the videos

yoongi: maybe..

kookie: we will

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