33. taken away

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jimin: UM WHAT WAS THAT???!?!????!!

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: what was what?

jimin: took u 11 hours and 29 minutes to reply

jimin: U KNOW WHAT

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: no, i don't

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: also sorry, i was busy yesterday

jimin: OFC U ARE

jimin: WTH WAS THAT?!?!!?!?!!!!??

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: jimin, i swear to god

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: if you just tell me i would know what you're trying to say

jimin: saw u hanging out with the-dude-with-the-name-i-dont-even-remember in the mall

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: you did?

jimin: yeah

jimin: shocking

jimin: i feel betrayed

jimin: i keep asking u to hangout with me but only to see that jerk with u?!?!???!!!

jimin: ARE U HAVING FUN WITHOUT ME?!?!?!!?!!

jimin: is this the reason why u don't wanna hangout anymore? :[

jimin: answer me, hyung (⁠ノ⁠≧Д⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻

jimin: how dare him?!?!?!?!!!!!!???

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: says the guy who gave me my number to him

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: who's the jerk here again?

jimin: ┐⁠(•3•)⁠┌ i thought we already done with that

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: you thought

jimin: LMAO OMG

jimin: anyways, why did u start hanging out with him?

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: he keeps bugging me to do so

jimin: just block him

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: can't

jimin: u just don't wanna </3

jimin: just admit it, hyung

jimin: U ARE IN LOVE

yoonie-hyungie🍯✨: i'll block you

jimin: APPROVED.

jimin: noooooooooooo not my hyung being taken away from me ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ
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jimin: woooowowowowowowow
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jimin: the aUDACITYYY
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jimin: u wouldn't have met him without me
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jimin: i feel used, cheated, dumped ╥ ╥
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jimin: rolling. choking. crying rn.
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