Chapter 15: Scars from the past 1

Start from the beginning

"Nancy." she groans. "Thanks love but sincerely you're not helping matters. My head is spinning right now and the last thing I need is your blabbing."

"So I'm blabbing right?" I ask feeling sad already. I'm trying to help and she thinks I'm blabbing.

"No Cy I mean, my head is in a haze due to the drug administered to me and I just need some peace and quiet before it wears off. Is that too much to ask from you. Please." her voice gets weaker by the second.

"I'm sorry. Stop being a crybaby okay, I'm just scared that's all."

"I am too. I don't know what happens when I leave here and the suspense is killing."

We stay that way for some minutes before I get the unressistable urge to scratch. This wound ought to be long gone but once in a while it reminds me it's there by its itchiness. I look at an already sleeping Tammy and decided to grab the opportunity to scratch. Raising a part of my skirt up I see the black scar from the wound and start scratching.

I scratch till It began to relive me wishing the stupid thing will just heal for good. Going down memory lane I remember how I got that wound.


It all started from that night, that night which was the worst night of all. A night to remember as the movies will say. Before now I had been a good girl, mother's pride as my mom do call me before it all bappened. It was at one of Gozie's extravagant summer school party, just before the close of the holidays last year.

It was no news that his family were one of the elite of the country. With an oil and gas mogul as a father and an ambassador for a mother the duo were never at home so they gave all the freedom to their children. Gozie the outgoing one with an exorbitant lifestyle was sometimes cool headed making him everyone's favorite but his twin Sandra was a no go area especially being Faye's chick. The combo was really bad, wonder how they coped.

With wealth flowing through their veins organising frequent elaborate parties was the norm for them and as usual made the headlines of weekends delight, the number one Lakeview entertainment paper.

During the party I had gone in search of a non alcoholic beverage and got lost in the mansion they call a house. That wasn't my first time there but their house was a like a maze and you had to open many doors and follow many corners to get to your destination.

Ah father, I must be rich o.

I round another corner and open probably the fifth or sixth door (I've lost count) when I hear soft moaning. Truth be told I can be an amebo sometimes so I locate the room the sound was coming from.

I walk slowly towards the door like a detective in action and peep through the keyhole only to see Gozie, my very own Gozie locking lips with one of the juniors from Lakeview college.

How did this brat get involved with my guy.

I push the door open causing them to stop their make out session in shock of seeing me.

"F**k. Nancy I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me I swear." he gives me that punchline guys give whenever they are caught in situations like this.

"Of course I know, cheating bastard." I scream at him. From the corner of my eye I see the junior scurry away while gathering her things with one hand.

Tufia, boyfriend snatcher.

"Baby please hear me out. I swear it's the devil. You know I'll never hurt you." he kneels giving me another useless line.

"Oh please. You're a horny beast and you know it. This isn't the first time and that's why I'm scared to let people know we're dating. Must you go around with anything in skirt." I yell with tears running down my face.

"Baby please reduce your voice they'll hear you." he tries quieting me up.

"I don't care. Which part are you scared of, people knowing of your escapades or us dating."

This guy was making me go crazy, it's been four months we've been together and not even a single person knew about it. Whenever I tell him to at least tell his sister or for me letting my fiends know he brings up one excuses or the other and the discussion ends.

"Baby you know I love you, I swear I really do. I want to show you to the world but remember we're still young, my family might love it but your parents won't."

Won't ke, my parents will kill me, burn my dead body and bury my ash after mixing it with pepper.

"Baby I want the best for us. You see, I want to marry you_"

Another punchline.

"_I know you don't believe but I want you to be my wife, I love you so much and I want to prove it to you. That's why I spend on you, I buy you things, recharge your phone but you've not reciprocated that love.", he turns and walk to the other side of the room.

I had to do something or I lose my man.

Guys and their punchlines sha, funny enough how we still fall even if we know they're lying. God have mercy us.

Thanks for reading.

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