Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

     After making dinner, we got in the car and went to the theatre. I was getting really nervous. I really hope Kirk doesn't act the same tonight.

     "You look really nervous. Don't let it bug you." Jesse said. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it was. The talk with Jesse today just made it worse. I really didn't even want to do this show anymore, but it was almost over anyway.

     I pulled in a parking spot and walked into the door that leads into the scene shop.

     "Hey, Kirk's improv at the end was good last night! Do it for the rest of the shows!" The director said excitedly. I froze.

     "Umm..." I couldn't even pull words out of my mouth to explain this. "We'll see!" I said with a smile, trying to look normal and not completely freaked out like I was. This was just great. Especially since Jesse was there with me when the director spoke to me. I ran into the ensemble's dressing room and hit my head off the table. That's always a great stress reliever.

     "Don't hurt yourself!" Jesse panicked. I assured him I was fine. As usual, Hannah came in as Kendra was out in the hallway flirting with Kirk.

     "Any better today?" Hannah asked.

     "No, the director "liked Kirk's improv" and said we should do it for the rest of the shows!" Hannah gave me a weird look and laughed.

     "That's so dumb! Just don't stand beside him for bows tonight!" Hannah said. I was planning on that anyway. Leo barged in the room.

     "Lily, come here!" He dragged me away out to a corner of the scene shop. He was looking at me like he wanted me to say something.

     "I'm here because?" I asked. Was I just going to make myself seem like a bigger whore to my friends?

     "Uhh....Kirk really wants you..."

     "You don't say?" I said extremely rude and sarcastically.

     "He told me to talk to you. He really likes you, and he apologizes for acting like an idiot...I think that's all he wanted me to say, but I just figured we could talk about it." Leo was definitely shipping us, but everybody else wanted me to be with Jesse.

     "I just wasn't expecting this. Is it normal for guys to just go suck other girls' faces?" Leo shook his head no. "I didn't even like him more than a friend to begin with because Kendra claimed him, if that wasn't obvious to you already. I'd also rather hear the apology from him, if he had the balls to just walk up and kiss me, why can't he apologize?" Leo looked amazed at my rant.

     "I'll let him know what you think. Just remember, you're friendzoned with me, so you won't look like a whore with me!" He joked. He gave me a hug and probably went to find Kirk. I bolted to go back to the dressing room.


     The show went well tonight. Kirk still gave me awkward eye contact, but he didn't try to kiss me again tonight, which was a good thing. The director was a little disappointed, but I didn't want to bother telling him the whole story.  I was really tired when I got home, but I figured I should do something.

     "Hey. Do you want to go out for lunch or whatever before practice tomorrow? I can pick you up!" I sent the message to Kirk.

     "Sure! 1:00 good?"

     "Yeah! See you then!" Awesome. Now I can try to fix this and end this show drama free.

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