Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

     We sat backstage of the show and reminisced about the show. We didn't want it to end. The summer show ending was always the most depressing because a lot of people only did shows during the summer. We gave the last performance our all, minus a few of the pranks.

     "...that the guy's only doing it for some doll!" Then the curtain closed. We all gave each other a group hug and said our final goodbye, except for the cast party. I didn't get to tell anybody where I was going with Kirk tonight because we were too busy reminiscing.

     While I waited for Kirk to finish greeting his fans, I stood on the stage and watched the show come apart piece by piece. They took down every backdrop, took the news stand apart, and put everything away. This part was even more depressing, because it looks like we were never here and it was all a dream.

     "I'm ready whenever you are, hun!" Kirk said, distracting my deep train of thought. "What's wrong? You look a little upset." I guess I did cry a tear or two.

     We started walking toward the car. "I'm just really upset about this show ending. It was truly the best show I've ever been in, and I was watching them tear down the set and it just hit me even worse, especially since I won't see you pretty much everyday like I did here." I said, probably still sobbing a little while getting in the car..

     "Honey, don't worry about it. It will all work out, and next summer's show will be just as great if not better. I will make all the time in the world for us to hang out." He said reassuringly. He then leaned in and gave me a kiss. It was our first kiss since we officially started dating. I felt on top of the world right now, and I wasn't worried about this dinner with most of the leads.

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