Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

     He lived about a half hour away, so I plugged my phone into the radio and listened to my music. I decided it was time to listen to Next to Normal. It was perfect for my mood.

     The ride went a lot faster than I thought it would. I texted him and told him I was there. As soon as he got in the car and I began to drive, "Perfect for You" came on. This could not be more awkward than it already was. "You can..."

     "I love Next to Normal!! Especially this song! I think it would be fun to play Henry, except the fact I'm not a stoner." Kirk interrupted me excitedly.

     "Haha! I've always wanted to play Natalie. I don't know why, I've just always wanted to since I read the musical." Yes, I read this musical, not saw.

     "Read?" He asked, really confused.

     "I bought the book, so I used the horrible actors in my head and YouTube to get some sort of liking to it."

     "That's such a smart idea! I'll have to do that with a few shows I haven't seen!"

     "It works until you get to see the show for real. Do you just want to grab a pizza and go back to my house for lunch?"

     "Sure! Sounds good to me!"

    We stopped and bought a pizza and we went to my house.

     "So, did you have fun this summer? I was afraid it would be awkward for you since you've never been around here." I asked, hoping to get other stuff out of him.

     "Yeah! This was one of the best shows I've ever done! I wish I didn't have to be committed to my other theatre, or else I would do all the shows here! And it wasn't awkward, especially since I met you." He put his arm around me. Well, this was awkward.

     "Well, I am pretty awesome!" I said jokingly. I'm pretty sure he was finally going to say something to my face. Before stuff got awkward though, I reached for the remote to turn on my show tunes channel. Of course, I just made it awkward and "As Long As You're Mine" From Wicked was on. I just can't get away from musical awkwardness today!

     "I've always wanted to be Fiyero, too!"

     "Man, you just always want to be the significant other to the person I want to be, don't you?" I said, acting totally clueless.

     "Isn't it just convenient?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Would you be the Elphaba to my Fiyero?" He asked. I knew it was coming at some point.

      "Well, if I turned you into a scarecrow it wouldn't matter, would it?" I felt like a winner, but he apparently wasn't done yet.

     "I guess I could ask this question a little better, will you go out with me?" He looked so nervous, but I had no idea what to say.

     "Why? Like, what do you see in me?" That's all I could think of to say in a timely manner.

     "I see a beautiful, caring girl that never had anybody as awesome as me around to date." He smirked. "I need to tell you something about last night. I get really nervous before shows, and then I was nervous about you, too, but I don't talk about my emotions a lot, so it's all physical. I'm really sorry I made things awkward, but I really like you." That was so sweet of him to say. I've never heard anything that sweet come from anybody's mouth. I didn't know what to say.

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