Chapter 22

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"Woah!!!" I couldn't help but look at the sight. Earth looks so tiny from here. It was a good distraction from the guilt that's flowing in me right now.

Oh my god, I nearly killed us

I heaved a big sigh of relief when I found out that the ship can run for two more hours.

Suddenly an idea struck me

"Yeah so we need to...... " Ravi was saying something to Lux while I interrupted

"Hey, I was just thinking, why don't we ask for fuel from the satellite?"

This time Ravi came to punch me while Lux stopped him.

"That's not a bad idea Ravi"

"Seriously!! He wants us to ask fuel from the people we're gonna steal the missile from? Great idea!!" He sarcastically showed me a thumbs up

"At least it gives us a way in, and that too with them knowing. So we wouldn't have to worry about docking our ship secretly." I explained.

He thought about it "Ya I do...." He was interrupted again

A squeaky noise was heard from the ship. We turned to find Jake pushing a very fat Ryan, who apparently got stuck while coming out.

Jake gave one kick and Ryan went floating around.

"I am fine, and I also agree with whatever George says, Weeee!!!!" He was floating in the middle of our conversation.

How the hell are you guys even my best friends?!?

"Ok its actually not a bad idea."

"Good to know we're on the same page Ravi" Lux patted his back and went back in the ship "I am gonna make a call to the satellite"

We both looked at each other and went in.

"Wait!!! We have to go back in?!?" Ryan asked

"Unless you want to stay there floating." I said

"Don't worry bro" Jake stuck his leg out "I'll help you"

"You know what" Ryan showed a thumbs up "I can squeeze myself in, thanks Jake!!"

"No problemo" Jake came in after me.

After some grunting and pulling Ryan was in.

We heard Lux to someone through the comm

"Hello I am speaking from the Indian ship, we seemed to have had an accident and we're out of hydrogen. We really need some help."

There came a reply

"Yes, sure you can borrow from our supplies, do you have enough hydrogen to reach us?" Said a man in a cultured accented voice.

Lux dialed a few buttons "Ummm, yes we will be there in 45 minutes."

"Good to know"

"Thank you"

The line ended.

"So that was a success" Ravi said

"Let's go save the world!!!" Jake screamed behind me

The ship started to vibrate and with a sudden jerk, started to move. And in no time we were up and away.

The missile. Should I give it to the guy and save my son, or should I not give it to him and save the state.

Little did I know about what would happen next.

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