Chapter 25

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Lee's POV

Of course, success was finally mine. I captured the Indians, they can't save their country. I am still curious though. What are those white people doing with them?

I was interrupted due to the sudden flicker of lights. Then everything went dark including the screens. I could hear the guards walking around in confusion.

Then suddenly I felt a hand pull me behind and pinned me to a chair. I then felt a cool glass touching my palm, lighting up the minute my palm touches it.

Its a fingerprint scanner.


The next minute it vanishes. Instead someone pulls on my face and pits a retina scanner in my eyes in a forceful way. I couldn't call out to my guards as the person's hand was over my mouth and my muffled sounds were..... well......muffled, due to the chaos that was already happening.

Why would someone need my biometrics? Unless...

Someone wants to access my missile. But how? They are cuffed and locked in a metal cell.

The lights flickered again for very few seconds, but it was enough to see who it was.

Meh, its just George.

Its just George!!!!

Its George!!!!


The lights came back on. And he wasn't there. No trace that this even happened. I went running to the cell, pushing a lot of confused guards on the way. I entered the code and rushed in.

What in the holy dragon?!?!

All of them were there, exactly the way when I left them. Even George was there, with his cuffed hands on the table. All of them looked at me as though I was a mad man. George kept the same face, but no matter how hard he tried, you could stil see that stupid smirk playing on his lips. I then realized that they still had my biometrics.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Sitting, duh" came the response.

"How did you even escape, I saw you there, you have my biometrics, what are you gonna do with it?" I pointed at George which made the rest of his mates look at him too.

"I did what?" He asked as he cocked his head to one side.

"Why am I even talking to you?" I said as I ran to check the missile. I heard them say something but it was too faint.

I did the biometrics check and got in to find my precious little missi.....


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