Chapter 7

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"What do you think of him now?" Chief asked

"Over sentimental" Lux responded

"We'll take him." Priya said as she gave the release papers to the constable.

"W.. W.. What!!!!" Lux sputtered while Ravi started to mutter something under his breath.

"Well, I'll call someone to take you to the boss. I have to go tell George about this." Constable went to the room whole another one came and escorted the rest to their boss.

"I see you have made a decision." Boss said as he kept his hands folded.

"Yes, since you have him for so long, how do you control him?" Ravi finally spoke up.

"Good that you asked, his only weakness is his son, Tom, if you want him to do something, Tom is the only name with which you can control him."

"Okay, we'll be taking your leave now." Priya said

"Sure, be careful with him"


The constable entered the room while George was just fiddling with the badge.

"You are going to be released." That one statement lit George's face up.


"I said you're gonna be released, are you deaf? But you have to do things for someone before you get your own life again"

"Who is that someone?"

"The one who released you, no more questions, I don't get paid for this."

After getting his things back from the prison, he finally got out and smelled the fresh air after a long time. Then suddenly, a military car pulled up in front of him nearly crashing him.

"Hey, watch where your going man!!!" George yelled at them. One of the men came out from the car and forced George into the vehicle, while George was screaming all the way.

"Hey, look, just cause I told you to drive carefully doesn't give you permission to arrest me.... again!!!"

"Just shut up and sit!!!" the driver barked

"Who the hell are you guys man?!" George asked

"Should I do it?" One of the men in the car asked

"Ya, just do it, less torture for us" replied another

"Do what?!?!" George started thrashing around while suddenly felt a prick at his neck which made his whole body feel numb. He was paralyzed.

"Seriously, I am gonna kill all of you!!" George said

"You got anything for his mouth man?" The driver asked "never mind we're here"

George tried to look at the window to see where they were taking him.

The Military Defence Station. 

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