Chapter 2: His Mouth

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His hand was fleetly placed above the door frame preventing me from opening the door fully. I turn questioning his actions with a mug. Not expecting our close proximity .

He stands close in front of me. His warmth seeping through to my thin blouse. I had a feeling that if I looked up to meet his eyes I'd quiver. To only satisfy his ego.

Welp this is the part where I get fired.

A gasp left my lips when I felt cold hands grip my waist. He shifts my puffy curls to the side and leans toward my ear.

"Yes I was completely aware of what took place on Saturday. And no I don't need to explain my intentions to you. Now find your way out of my office to complete the work load on your desk. I suggest you go ahead now. I need it by the end of the day, 5:30 sharp." I watch his mouth as the words feel from his mouth. His voice was so close and quiet, I got chills from the bitter tone.

I lower my head and nodded in a understanding matter forgetting what took place second ago. Before I can turn the door knob he whispered in my ear once more.

"Speak like that again...." he stopped mid sentence his phone rang saving my life.

   I managed to open the door and head to what I assumed was my office. A cubicle similar to ones I've seen on the first floor but across from Mr. Steal. My space was nice I smiled at the view on my left it was astonishing to my perspective.

But the pile of work on top of my desk, left me stunned. A job like this comes with hard work indeed. I rolled my eyes and got to work.

      Time had gone by I was in the middle of lunch and half way done with the paper works. I couldn't my hands were beginning to cramp up.

I constantly look at the time pushing me to move faster. I took another bit from my sandwich and proceeded to work. I couldn't wait to get home for a bath.


Finished and organized files sat on top of my seat. I felt so accomplished knowing I had finished his files in a short period of time.

   The sun was beginning to set. Clearing up my desk I head with the work load to his office not before turned off my monitor.

With every collected document in my arms I made my way to Klaus's office. When I got close enough to reach the door, it swung open. Instead of seeing, Klaus a flushesd face girl with a hickey on her neck walked out. I said nothing when she walked by.

   I knocked lightly on the half- opened door, trying very hard to not drop the papers. I saw Klaus hand gesture me to come in.

"Everything is done." I said as I placed it all on his desk neatly.

  "Took you long enough." he replied harshly not even looking up from his phone.

The fuck this dude say.

"Well your welcome, have a great evening, see you tomorrow." I said pressing my lips together. Instead I wished I had put some sense into the guys head.

Who raised him? So unmannered.

I turn to leave the room I was itching to leave anyways, home was calling my name.

His ClaimsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz