Chapter 4

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Summer was in full bloom as the weather got hotter. Wendy's birthday party was in full bloom as well. I put on a summer dress and some sandals then rush downstairs to wish the birthday girl happy birthday. I walk into the kitchen to be greeted with Grandparents cooing over the two children. They all look up at me and smile.

"Mija, welcome," Jose's mom says warmly.

"Gracias, mama," I say leaning down to kiss her cheek. I kiss everybody else's cheek and Jose walked into the room and I didn't kiss his.

Which he quickly protested about, "What about me?"

I wave my hand at him, "Oh you get enough."

He pouts and rolls his eyes. I laugh and cave in giving him one. He smiles and we continue on with breakfast. I flip a couple tortillas and place them onto the table.

I hear the doorbell go and Leila calls for the kids, "Your tio is here!" The kids all gasp and rush out to the front door.

I was listening to Leila's mom tell me I need to get some sun this summer and a lot of it today during the party. That I was up north for too long and was very pale. To her I look sick and it made her worry.

I look over to everyone's plates to see how many tortillas were needed and started to heat up more.

We listen to the kids squeals as the door was open and Wendy starts singing about her tio. I wasn't sure which tio it was, but it sounded like they were close.

Leila lightly laughs, "Come on. Breakfast is in the kitchen. We were worried that you wouldn't make it."

We all quietly listen as Wendy loudly whispers to her tio, "Abuela is here and so is Abuelo. And then Abuela is also here with her boyfriend." The door opens and I turn around to see him.

And there Ryan was. He was bigger than I could remember, but I could tell that it was all muscle.

"Oh yeah! Tia is here!" Wendy squeals hugging Ryan closer.

He hadn't seen me yet he was busy watching Wendy as her arms go wild. The abuelos knew that Ryan and I were married.

He was wearing a short sleeve button up collared shirt. It was blue and it made his hazel eyes appear to look a little bluer. He was also wearing shorts which were rare, but they showed just how powerful his legs were.

Jose's mom coughs and Ryan looks up and I quickly look away and back at the tortillas which were just about to burn.

I quickly flip them and put the other ones on the table.

"Going to give us some besitos? We've missed you as well," Leila's mom says smiling.

I grab a plate and set it aside the oven. Ryan makes his way over and I could feel the tension in the room.

"And your wife?" Leila's mom asks. I tense up as he towers over me his hand softly touches my waist. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Is that how you are really going to kiss her?"

I keep avoiding looking at his face. I knew if I made eye contact that I would be screwed. That I would fall under his spell and ask him to love me forever and to never leave me.

But all those thoughts were pushed to the side when his hand cupped my face and he softly kissed me on the lips.

Leila's mom hummed as he pulls away and I felt like I was melting.

"Ew! Tio and Tia kissed," Carlos says scrunching up his nose. I laugh and flip some tortillas and then place more on the table.

Ryan stands beside me and fixes his plate with some beans and eggs with hotdogs.

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