Chapter 1

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Setting the scene: This is around August in their first year of marriage.

He was looking for his wife. She should be heading to study now in the building he was waiting for to be at. He's been waiting for this moment.
They haven't been able to see each other for a while. Their marriage had been a secret, but when they were together they both knew. And he was okay with that. They both were. It made them have a world where they had their own lives. They both agreed that it was best that nobody knew. To have their relationship to themselves. Both of them being private people.

Of course it sometimes made them feel down that they couldn't share with the world. And because they were hiding it they couldn't do a lot of married couple things like live at home together. But they loved their secret.
Well, it also had to do that neither of their parents would be happy with how fast they fell in love. They would be even angrier about an engagement. Especially about the fact that they were still so young.
He sees her car roll in and park. She gets out and grabs her backpack. He gets out of his truck and quietly follows her into the building. Her frizzy blonde hair going wild in the wind. She was wearing jeans that were baggy with a belt that didn't seem to help, her black windbreaker, and some old beat up Vans. Since the last time he saw her she had lost a lot of weight. He watches as she lunges up a set of steps and then moves to a side door on the building. She opens the door and holds it open for him not noticing that it was him.
She was on her phone. He knew what she was doing, probably reading a book or watching a ski video. Those were the only things that she used her phone for.

"Thank you, love," he says smiling. Her head snaps up and her beautiful blue eyes meet his hazel ones.

"Ryan!" she squeaks. She jumps up and wraps her arms around his neck. He steps into the building letting the door close and wraps his arms around her waist. "I was going to text you back, but I've been watching this really cool ski video."

He couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that he was right. But it had been a long two months. And he missed his wife. She quickly smashes their lips together and melts even more into him.

They pull away and he lets her feet touch the ground. She grabs his left hand and her eyes widen when she feels his ring. She looks down at his hand and smiles. He was wearing his wedding band. "Are you going to the library with me?" she asks. He nods. He needed more time with her. And if it was sitting with her as she did a little studying. He's going to take it.

She shows the way and they started to talk about everything that they didn't talk about on facetime or text. She uses her other hand and pulls up her jeans. Everyone was looking at the two. She ignored the looks and other people's curiosity. Maya had a strong opinion about that; it was nobody's business.

He was a six foot tall bull rider. She was a little over five foot and barely looked her age. He was aware of how weird they looked as a couple. They were a couple you just, wouldn't imagine to be together and work so well.

There were days where they looked less weird when he would wear workout clothes, or it was a rare day where he wasn't wearing his cowboy boots and hat. Sometimes she wears her own cowboy boots and then they looked a little more put together. Or there were many days in the winter when they went skiing or snowmobiling and had snow clothes on. Those days were some of his personal favorites. They walk into the library and find a big empty table.

He looks at her unsure about the table size, "Who is coming?" She smiles mischievously. That's when he knew multiple of her friends would be there soon. He watches as she reaches behind her neck and unhooks a necklace. She pulls it out of her shirt and he notices it was her wedding rings. She puts them on her finger as well and puts the chain back on.

Opposite of Close(short story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя